MoArtis / RCGMod

UserXpMod is a "quality of life" mod for River City Girls by Wayforward.
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(Request/Translation) Progression Info - Spanish Translation #21

Open Gekasx opened 4 years ago

Gekasx commented 4 years ago

I would like to be able to see the progression info in Spanish so I leave my translation of each element.I hope and it can be added to the mod.

Greetings from Argentina 😄

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MoArtis commented 4 years ago

That's a good point. There is no localization keys for these texts but I will try to add some for them as part of the mod's data file. Thanks for the suggestion!

MoArtis commented 4 years ago

image Done! 😁 I did the french translation too. Maybe we can have the other supported languages done in the future. The feature will be part of the upcoming patch.

winterheart commented 4 years ago

In veiw of #11 I've created little project on Python that extracts JSON file as numbers of Gettext POT/PO files for translation and puts back them into JSON after translating. This can be useful for translation purposes.

I'm planning to release these tools after 1.3 and my workings on enhancing translation if you interested.

MoArtis commented 4 years ago

Cool ! Thank you @winterheart !

Alua7 commented 4 years ago

Wow, great news O_o

Alua7 commented 4 years ago

1 3 got this in russian. Any places to enter "yes" and "No" words? :P

winterheart commented 4 years ago

Seem that current font don't have cyrillic glyphs. Need to switch to other one or make map between locale and supported font.

MoArtis commented 4 years ago

ah yeah I need to dynamically switch the font! Sorry about that @Alua7 :D

Alua7 commented 4 years ago

No news this week? bledina umaru