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Software Framework for MOdelling of morphology DEvelopment of micro- and NAnostructures (MoDeNa)
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implement solubility model into foamAgeing application #25

Closed japaf closed 8 years ago

japaf commented 8 years ago

If I am correct, several things need to done.

henrus commented 8 years ago

@1) Initialisation (and compilation) can be deferred to the time when the model is actually used from within the macroscopic code. An example is in example/twoTanksAutoInit. This is fully automatic (ie. no initialisation on the outside is required), but the macroscopic code would stop on every call to a 'new' model. We can add additional functions to the interface library if this becomes a problem @2) Yes, you need to import the solubility model @3) Not sure what you mean here: Shouldn't we all use SI units?

sigveka commented 8 years ago
  1. Are you both talking about the same compilation?
    • My impression is that Pavel means the "detailed code", whereas Henrik means the "surrogate".
    • I was planing to modularise the application to the extent that foamAgeing and foamConductivity becomes "models" that are both imported into an application. The nice thing about Fireworks is that it executes the programs/scripts in one directory; therefore you do not have to think about where to pick up "input/output" files only agree on the structure. (I have not understood how this works with distributed computing.)
  2. I can push a version of the solubility model that you can import into workflow using import US_Solubility_Model.
    • I am having a internal battle for how to organise this, but I think I will add a new directory "models" to the "root". The first directory will then contain: applications, models, examples, src, Objections?
  3. I think he means e.g. dL -> m³
henrus commented 8 years ago

@1) I am talking about compiling Fortran/C against the interface library. Distributed computing is a complex matter. @2) Hmm. I think I would like to keep the PUFoam self-contained and avoid mixing the models from examples and applications. How about

applications/PUFoam/PUFoam0D/0D_code.C applications/PUFoam/PUFoam3D/3D_code.C applications/PUFoam/models examples/twoTanks examples/twoTanksAutoInit examples/models src

In order to avoid setting PYTHON_PATH we could simple walk down the tree and search all model directories we can find.

@3) dL is not SI

japaf commented 8 years ago

@1) I was talking about the detailed model. Sorry for the confusion. I wanted to do cmake . and make only in the application I want to use. Having to explain in README of foamAgeing that if they want to use PC SAFT model they need to go to different folder, open a README there and find out how to compile it seems unnecessarily complicated to me. @2) Breaking down foamAgeing into individual models makes sense to me. I am not sure about the best structure. My idea is following:

Ordinary user would interact only with workflows folder (changing input files, running simulations and looking at results).

@3) This is a long standing issue between me and Jonas about the definition of solubility. This was mentioned only for completeness. It can be fixed once the models are communicating.

sigveka commented 8 years ago
  1. My ban then, you are talking about the same thing.
  2. Very reasonable argument.
    • At the moment I am not considering dist. comp. I am just being aware that at some point it will come. I know exactly nothing about it so I am not of much assistance, but I am open to receive input if my implementation will make it more difficult to realise.
  3. Of course, however personally I was expecting this to be an issue, albeit a small one, nevertheless.

On 30 September 2015 at 12:15, Henrik Rusche wrote:

@1 I am talking about compiling Fortran/C against the interface library. Distributed computing is a complex matter. @2 Hmm. I think I would like to keep the PUFoam self-contained and avoid mixing the models from examples and applications. How about applications/PUFoam0D/0D_code.C applications/PUFoam3D/3D_code.C applications/PUFoam/models examples/twoTanks examples/twoTanksAutoInit examples/models src

In order to avoid setting PYTHON_PATH we could simple walk down the tree and search all model directories we can find.

@3 dL is not SI

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japaf commented 8 years ago

41 is partial solution to this issue.

@1) compilation now works from foamAging through ./build script. I didn't manage to use the makefile provided by Jonas, so I added some necessary CMake files. There are two copies of PC_SAFT. I use the code from PythonModule_and_DetailedModelCode/DetailedModelCode. Is this correct? @2) I copied and modified one folder up, so that can see it. I used index sets to create the desired models. However, I still have few issues with that.

@3) I don't think that molar mass of PU will be part of the recipe. It is rather a PC_SAFT parameter. Consequently, the foamAging model will not know this value. I think we have two options:

Personally, I think the first option is better.

JonasMairhofer commented 8 years ago

@1) Yes, this is the correct code. However, I cant think of a reason why the makefile shouldnt work. If you open it, you will find that it doesnt contain much that could go wrong. On the other hand, if it works with cmake now, thats better anyway.

@2) You are right, I will have to add composition as an additional input argument to the surrogate model. Assuming it to be constant during the simulation would be too much of a simplification. Regarding the convergence of PC-SAFT, yes, unfortunately this happens and there is no quick fix for it.

@3) Both way are possible, we should discuss this next week at the meeting in more detail.