MoH-Malaysia / covid19-public

Official data on the COVID-19 epidemic in Malaysia. Powered by CPRC, CPRC Hospital System, MKAK, and MySejahtera.
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COVIDNOW incorrect update total new cases #206

Closed SayangiSabah-TimmyLu closed 3 years ago

SayangiSabah-TimmyLu commented 3 years ago

When total new cases is wrongly taken up, it means the total Active Cases is also incorrect. But why the Active Cases calculation can be correct: Home quarantine + PKRC + Hospital + ICU + ABP photo_2021-10-17_02-15-18

SayangiSabah-TimmyLu commented 3 years ago

The different total new cases 236 , i assume it that is missed out to update for Negeri Sembilan.

Anyway, after that, the website had corrected back.

Case closed.