MoJo2600 / pihole-kubernetes

PiHole on kubernetes
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Custom CNAMEs (defined via GUI, not Chart's values) aren't saved after pod restarts. #269

Open perfectra1n opened 8 months ago

perfectra1n commented 8 months ago

If you define CNAMEs via the GUI instead of the chart's values, as the file located at /etc/dnsmasq.d/05-pihole-custom-cname.conf isn't backed by any PVC, the file disappears.

  1. Import some CNAMEs image
  2. Delete pod
  3. CNAMEs gone image

I'm happy to make a PR, but I was curious what you thought the best way to tackle the issue was - I've just mounted an additional NFS PVC at /etc/dnsmasq.d/ for now lol.

              claimName: pihole-backup-dnsmasq-pvc

            mountPath: /etc/dnsmasq.d
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pihole-backup-dnsmasq-pvc
  namespace: pihole-backup
  storageClassName: "truenas-csi-nfs"
    - ReadWriteOnce
      # NFS Subdir Provisioner doesn't care at all abou this
      storage: 1Gi
dfoulkes commented 8 months ago

Personally I've just been mainitaining my own custom values.yml file that has my preffered dnsmasq settings: Doing this you can perist your custom settings between deployment plus ideal for automating the helm deployment.

    - address=/
    - address=/
    - address=/
    - address=/

Although you are right this will not show in the GUI console fustratingly, it will at least make them persist between deployments.

Alternatively, you can use the environment variable PIHOLE_DNS_ if you which to externalise the local DNS mechcanisim for Pihole or conitnue to use a NFS lol.

dfoulkes commented 8 months ago

Just seen you wanted CNAME not A record lol.

Ok, good point personally haven't hit this issue. Curiously, what's the usecase a ingress class?

dfoulkes commented 8 months ago

Looking through the spec, there's option todo this the same way I proposed for A records.

have you tried this in the values.yml

       # Here we specify custom cname entries that should point to `A` records or
       # elements in customDnsEntries array.
       # The format should be:
perfectra1n commented 8 months ago

Gotchya, I prefer to manage CNAME / A records via the GUI so that I don't have them publicly facing (public GitOps repo) and the A records are already saved across restarts, I thought it would be useful to have CNAME's records persisted as well to match user expectations.

dfoulkes commented 8 months ago

Fare point, if its the public facing element that concerns you and you're not overally bothered by the cosmetics, you could just supply a different value file that's not in public source control at runtime.

perfectra1n commented 8 months ago

Understood, however as a user, if I make a change in the GUI, I would expect that change to persist across "restarts". Since A records do, I would expect CNAME records to as well.

MoJo2600 commented 6 months ago

Maybe we should make sure to persist all the data to one pvc when persistence is enabled. I don't think it makes sense to have multiple pvc.

perfectra1n commented 6 months ago

Fair, I could make that happen. I’ll submit a PR for it :)