Closed peyman-hakemi closed 4 years ago
time picker almost work in debug but not work on release mode
<DatePicker isGregorian={false} options={{ defaultFont: Fonts.type.iranSans, headerFont: Fonts.type.iranSansBold, backgroundColor: '#8685ef', textHeaderColor: '#fefedf', textDefaultColor: '#fff', selectedTextColor: '#fff', mainColor: '#00176c', textSecondaryColor: '#474554', borderColor: 'rgba(122, 146, 165, 0.1)' }} style={{ borderRadius: 10 }} minimumDate={getFormatedDate(new Date(), 'jYYYY/jMM/jDD')} selected={selectedTime ? selectedTime : null} mode="time" onTimeChange={time => { setselectedTime(time); setTimeVisible(false); }} />
react native 62
Time picker? :neutral_face: How could you use something in debug mode that even doesn't exist :grin: I'm afraid that you have mistaken the library...
time picker almost work in debug but not work on release mode
react native 62