MoamenElmassry / OPLS-DA

Orthogonal Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA)
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Coordinate transform from OPLS model #1

Open gdmcdonald opened 3 years ago

gdmcdonald commented 3 years ago

Hi Moamen,

I'm wondering if you can help me to work out how to use an OPLS-DA model (from ropls) to transform new data points that the model wasn't trained on, into the coordinate that best separates the categories, p1. I can't for the life of me get the transform to work right.

Cheers, Gordon

MoamenElmassry commented 3 years ago

Hi Gordon,

I am sorry, I don't have enough experience to help here, but I bet the author (Etienne A. Thevenot) of ropls can. Here is his repository for this package: Thanks.

Regards, Moamen