MoatazBadawy / Sunset-hadith

Islamic app with 50K+ downloads, Built using Kotlin, Coroutines, Retrofit, OkHttp, Room Database, Dagger-Hilt, MVVM, Clean architecture.
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Wait for the update #6

Closed patrickwilson111 closed 2 years ago

patrickwilson111 commented 2 years ago

slam bro Ramadan Kareem My brother, the application is not complete, there are errors, images appear frequently There is a crash when working on the application Is this the latest version or is it old? Wait for the update

MoatazBadawy commented 2 years ago

Waalaikumsalam brother, Yes, this is the latest open-source version on githup. No problem, I will check out the problem you had with the images.

MahmoudMabrok commented 2 years ago

@patrickwilson111 please share the log if this possible. also share the device/emulator specficiation you are using. will be helpful if you submit a video/gif for the issue.

and we are sorry if you faced any issues.

patrickwilson111 commented 2 years ago


patrickwilson111 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your attention. I tried to look for the crack, where did it happen to me? I couldn't find the glitch. Where is it? I apologize There is a picture attached to duplicate the pictures Second, is it the same version on Google Play?

Or is it an attempt to design an application that works with the same features?


MoatazBadawy commented 2 years ago

Hello again, Yeah, as shown in the image above we used the same images for just testing the application "Take a look at the API JSON images file, you will find the same URL we have used", so you can replace URLs with all images you want.

As your second comment, the latest version is private, so it is not public for all (we are sorry for this). If you want to create an image screen as we have you can simply use Viewpager2 with tablayout and fragments, check out this youtube tutorial from here: and if you want to create tablayout like we have you may find this link useful:

hope you found what you want bro. and Ramadan Mubarak for you and your family.