MobClub / ShareSDK-for-iOS

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Need check hd thumb Image size function #36

Open weiminghuaa opened 4 years ago

weiminghuaa commented 4 years ago

SSDKSetupWeChatMiniProgramShareParams need a hd thumb image, but SSDKImage can only check thumb image size which is limit to 32k, so it's good idea to support check hd thumb image.

hdThumbImage | 高清缩略图,建议长宽比是 5:4 ,6.5.9及以上版本微信客户端小程序类型分享使用 要求图片数据小于128k
weiminghuaa commented 4 years ago

It's better to support check each size

jie0713 commented 4 years ago

您联系一下mob官方Q:4006852216 具体有技术支持帮您解答