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Data sanitisation in input forms #68

Open tigert opened 1 week ago

tigert commented 1 week ago

We need to come up with a list of allowed characters for input fields.


Here is my immediate thought, lets see if there are cases that need to be taken into account.

Edit: added parentheses, not sure if [ and ] and { and } are used but its not like they would be a huge issue either.

JaimeLeon2 commented 1 week ago

Why do you need underscore in event name labels? I don't see the purpose there. Underscores are not easier to read either. Hubhop already replaces spaces with underscores when generating the events.txt file. Where are the "examples and docs" in Hubhop? I guess you refer to the Description field? I think allowing underscores in the code field is an urgent fix needed. Without it, it is very difficult to enter new events into the database.