MobiFlight / MobiFlight-Connector

MobiFlight is an open source project that allows you to create your own home cockpit for your favorite flight simulator in a flexible, affordable and extremely user-friendly way.
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Migrate to .NET Core #484

Open neilenns opened 2 years ago

neilenns commented 2 years ago

How to:


I have no idea how much work this is or whether it's even possible. Logging this so I don't forget about it and can spend some time exploring to see if it's even possible.

neilenns commented 2 years ago

I gave this a first attempt this morning. I got the project migrated to .NET 5.0 and it would build, but when running it kept complaining that the SimConnect DLL was in an "incorrect format". I confirmed both the Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect.dll and SimConnect.dll files were in the same output folder but that didn't fix it. Did some searching, found other people with the same general problem, but none of the suggested fixes worked.

Decided to set it aside for a while and will come back to it later.

Note that if you switch to a branch with the .NET 5.0 changes then back to the main 4.5.2 branch you will get build errors saying the target framework isn't specified. No amount of resetting your branch will fix it. The solution is to delete project.assets.json from the obj folder as described here:

neilenns commented 2 years ago

For a second attempt I think starting fresh and doing an initial upgrade with would be a good way to go. My first attempt used a different upgrade tool that focused simply on converting the project file format and that broke a ton of project configuration stuff (missed migrating x86, defines, etc.)

neilenns commented 2 years ago

It also requires thought to remove some of the folders in the project that probably shouldn't be checked in. E.g. all the CmdMessenger examples get built and result in duplicate output assembly errors, since the new project format automatically includes all files in the solution by default.

There are also multiple copies of Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect.dll checked in to various projects in the solution, that should probably consolidate to one location.

Also the post-build steps to manually copy files should likely be replaced with project-level settings on the file to say "Copy Local" and "If Newer".

neilenns commented 2 years ago

I wonder if it's possible to build a NuGet package for the MSFS SimConnect DLL?

neilenns commented 2 years ago

With regards to the framework error it appears SimConnect.dll is an x64 library. So why does MobiFlight build as x86? How did this ever work? Hmm.

From the CTrue.FsConnect nuget package:

"FsConnect uses the Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect .NET Framework library and the underlying native x64 simconnect.dll library. These files are distributed via the Flight Simulator 2020 SDK, currently version 0.10.0, but are included for easy use."

neilenns commented 2 years ago

Someone who seems to have gotten SimConnect working with .NET Core:

kkr0kk commented 2 years ago

Like he say --> 64 bits i'm not sure doc would stop 32 bits support.

MobiFlight-Admin commented 2 years ago

32 bit was necessary to work with FSX and Arcaze Boards, i used an old fsx simconnect.dll

neilenns commented 2 years ago

Might be time to think about a clean break release where mobiflight moves to Net core, and older sims need to use the older version of MF with only critical bug fixing taking place.

MobiFlight-Admin commented 2 years ago

I am looking into WinUI3 and - it is time for an overhaul for sure.