Open AIMMOTH opened 7 years ago
This is another way to seems safe
var bodyAdjusted = false;
setInterval(function() {
var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var documentHeight = $(document).height(); var bodyHeight = $("body").height(); var ngHeight = $("#ngView").height(); var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; var href = document.location.href; var wrapper = $("#wrapper").height(); var children = $("#ngView").children().toArray().map(function(element) { return element.tagName; });
// $("#output").text("href:" + href + ", window:" + windowHeight + ", document:" + documentHeight + ", body:" + bodyHeight + ", ng:" + ngHeight + ", wrapper:" + wrapper + ", children:" + children + ", user agent:" + userAgent);
var min = Math.min(window.innerHeight, window.outerHeight);
if (ngHeight < min) { $("#ngView").height(min); } if (bodyHeight < min) { $("body").height(min); bodyAdjusted = true; } if (wrapper < min) { $(".wrapper").height(min); } }, 1000);
Hello, I'm using the awesome Zurb's Foundation 6.4.3 and had trouble using their XY Grid layout.
It seems that $(window).height() is 0, and XY layout (and others) use this for its height.
The height can be found in window.innerHeight/outerHeight. To fix this I use interval and set elements to this height.