MobileChromeApps / chrome-app-developer-tool

Mirror of Apache Cordova app harness
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Encounter an error when running step ./ ChromeAppDevTool #46

Closed yuren1978 closed 9 years ago

yuren1978 commented 9 years ago

Here is an error I encounter when running step ./ ChromeAppDevTool: AboutCtrl.js: line 32, col 108, Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.

and the folder ChromeAppDevTool was not created.

Running: gulp build-dev [20:27:47] Using gulpfile ~/Codes/chrome-app-developer-tool/gulpfile.js [20:27:47] Starting 'lint:app'... [20:27:47] Starting 'lint:harness-push'... [20:27:47] Starting 'webpack:build-dev'... [20:27:47] Starting 'styles'... /Users/jianweisun/Codes/chrome-app-developer-tool/www/cdvah/js/AboutCtrl.js: line 32, col 108, Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.

1 error [20:27:47] 'lint:app' errored after 262 ms [20:27:47] Error in plugin 'gulp-jshint' JSHint failed for: cdvah/js/AboutCtrl.js [20:27:47] Finished 'styles' after 277 ms [20:27:47] Finished 'lint:harness-push' after 533 ms [20:27:48] [webpack:build-dev] Hash: b95c2775003ec6b22529 Version: webpack 1.4.8 Time: 1254ms Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names cca.bundle.js 102589 0 [emitted] cca 125325 0 [emitted] cca chunk {0} cca.bundle.js, (cca) 95876 [rendered] [0] multi cca 28 {0} [built] [1] ./src/cca.js 920 {0} [built] [2] ./~/cca-manifest-logic/main.js 991 {0} [built] [3] ./~/base64-arraybuffer/lib/base64-arraybuffer.js 1704 {0} [built] [4] ./~/cca-manifest-logic/src/analyse-manifest.js 6487 {0} [built] [5] ./~/cca-manifest-logic/src/parse-and-merge-manifests.js 2321 {0} [built] [6] ./~/cca-manifest-logic/src/update-config-xml.js 2469 {0} [built] [7] ./~/cca-manifest-logic/src/chrome-app-key-to-id.js 1274 {0} [built] [8] ./~/cca-manifest-logic/~/node.extend/index.js 43 {0} [built] 9/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer/index.js 28435 {0} [built] [10] ./~/cca-manifest-logic/~/crypto-js/sha256.js 5538 {0} [built] [11] ./~/cca-manifest-logic/~/node.extend/lib/extend.js 1944 {0} [built] [12] ./~/cca-manifest-logic/~/crypto-js/core.js 22288 {0} [built] 13/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer/~/ieee754/index.js 2093 {0} [built] 14/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer/~/is-array/index.js 470 {0} [built] 15/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer/~/base64-js/lib/b64.js 3430 {0} [built] [16] ./~/cca-manifest-logic/~/node.extend/~/is/index.js 15441 {0} [built] [20:27:48] Finished 'webpack:build-dev' after 1.26 s

mmocny commented 9 years ago

Before digging in to the build issue, are you sure you need to build this? Would one of our releases for Android suffice?

(If you are building for iOS, or modifying CADT, please proceed :)