MobileChromeApps / chrome-app-developer-tool

Mirror of Apache Cordova app harness
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Crashes on push from dev editor #53

Closed connorbrez closed 9 years ago

connorbrez commented 9 years ago

everytime I push the app to mobile it crashes. EDIT: I'm pushing it over the network. Ill try over usb and get back to you.

Error code: NullError: Cannot call "get$iterator" on null

mmocny commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the delay, xmas vacation and all..

Since I am not seeing this issue, lets start with the basics. May you give us the version of your CADT / CDE? Have you tried using the cca command line tool to push?

connorbrez commented 9 years ago

My CDE version is 0.19.3489 and my CADT version is 0.11.1. No I haven't tried to use the caa command line tool to push. My error doesn't seem to be with the push I'm now realizing, when I launch on my android device(lg g3) it crashes.

agrieve commented 9 years ago

New version is out that uses much newer cordova-android and crosswalk. Please re-open if this still occurs.

bitbay commented 9 years ago

I am (occasionally) experiencing the same issue using the following setup:

with the device connected over wi-fi:

$adb devices
List of devices attached   device

Strange thing is that the first deploy worked almost flawlessly. I wanted to try "live deploy", the things started to go bad since then, first with SocketException: unable to connect to 2424: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED and now this.