MobileChromeApps / chrome-app-developer-tool

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Encounter problem when building CADT from source #54

Open cdawi opened 9 years ago

cdawi commented 9 years ago

I want to add custom plugins to CADT. When I'm running build script (on my Windows 7) without any extra plugins specified : ChromeAppDevTool I recieve error: (...) Running: gulp build-dev [14:11:48] Using gulpfile ~\chrome-app-developer-tool\gulpfile.js [14:11:48] Starting 'lint:app'... [14:11:48] Starting 'lint:harness-push'... [14:11:48] Starting 'webpack:build-dev'... [14:11:48] Starting 'styles'... [14:11:48] [webpack:build-dev] Hash: 3de03120719048f2f578 Version: webpack 1.6.0 Time: 279ms Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names cca.bundle.js 1999 0 [emitted] cca 1999 0 [emitted] cca chunk {0} cca.bundle.js, (cca) 28 [rendered] [0] multi cca 28 {0} [built] [1 error]

ERROR in multi cca Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ....\src\cca.js in C:\Users\xxx\chrome-app-developer-tool/www/cdvah @ multi cca [14:11:48] Finished 'webpack:build-dev' after 293 ms [14:11:48] Finished 'styles' after 448 ms [14:11:49] Finished 'lint:harness-push' after 874 ms [14:11:50] Finished 'lint:app' after 2 s [14:11:50] Starting 'lint'... [14:11:50] Finished 'lint' after 19 μs [14:11:50] Starting 'build-dev'... [14:11:50] Finished 'build-dev' after 19 μs

agrieve commented 9 years ago

There have been many fixes to the create script in the last little while. Care to try again under your environment?