Hi, thank you for your ROS-LCM converter. I want to use it with realsense D415.
Firstly i installed the realsense2_camera as you adviced.and
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_rgbd.launch
But after normal install rgbd_ros_to_lcm , when i run
roslaunch rgbd_ros_to_lcm lcm_republisher.launch
it produce error as follow:
it seems when the program run to line 162 of lcm_republisher.cpp, it can't step over it, and the process die
sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr rgb_msg = ros::topic::waitForMessage<sensor_msgs::Image>(rgb_topic, nh_);
My system: ubuntu 16.04, ROS kinetic.
Any suggestion would be appreciated!
Hi, thank you for your ROS-LCM converter. I want to use it with realsense D415. Firstly i installed the realsense2_camera as you adviced.and
But after normal install rgbd_ros_to_lcm , when i run
it produce error as follow:
it seems when the program run to line 162 of lcm_republisher.cpp, it can't step over it, and the process die
sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr rgb_msg = ros::topic::waitForMessage<sensor_msgs::Image>(rgb_topic, nh_);
My system: ubuntu 16.04, ROS kinetic. Any suggestion would be appreciated!