MobileNativeFoundation / XCLogParser

Tool to parse Xcode and xcodebuild logs stored in the xcactivitylog format
Apache License 2.0
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Swift Type check and functions build times not generated #190

Open stherold opened 8 months ago

stherold commented 8 months ago

Hey there 👋

I don't get any compilation time statistics in teh HTML file. According to this post the Swift compiler flags the generated website suggests don't exist anymore:

Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 18 05 39

david-bandlab commented 8 months ago

Same here 🙋‍♂️

Bobbyphtr commented 8 months ago

Same here

BalestraPatrick commented 8 months ago

Have you tried the new flags suggested at the link to see if they work? If they do, then we welcome a contribution to change the wording and references to those now removed flags.

hoangatuan commented 4 months ago

@stherold What is the xcodebuild command you was using?

stherold commented 4 months ago

@hoangatuan that one:

xcodebuild -workspace <ws-name>.xcworkspace -scheme <scheme> -resultBundlePath "$(mktemp).xcresult" -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 15 Pro,OS=latest"

and then:

xclogparser parse --workspace <ws-name>.xcworkspace --reporter html

But now with Xcode 15.3 I get yet another eror (probably related to

Error: The line *{"stime":68549,"utim doesn't seem like a valid SLF line
hoangatuan commented 4 months ago

@stherold Make sure you add these flags to "Other Swift Flags" in your project build setting "-Xfrontend", "-warn-long-function-bodies=200", "-Xfrontend", "-warn-long-expression-type-checking=200"

If your workspace uses swift package manager, can insert this code to your Package.swift file

for target in package.targets {
   target.swiftSettings = target.swiftSettings ?? []
           "-Xfrontend", "-warn-long-function-bodies=200", "-Xfrontend", "-warn-long-expression-type-checking=200",
hoangatuan commented 4 months ago

@stherold For Xcode 15.3, seems like XCLogParse is breaking. While waiting for the bug to be fixed, for now you can use this script to get slow compile warnings

xcodebuild -workspace <ws-name>.xcworkspace -scheme <scheme> -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 15 Pro,OS=latest" OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS="-Xfrontend -warn-long-function-bodies=200 -Xfrontend -warn-long-expression-type-checking=200" clean build | grep .[0-9]ms | grep -v ^0.[0-9]ms | grep "^$ROOT_DIRECTORY" | sort -nr > log.txt

References from my project:

Blackjacx commented 4 months ago

Yes that generates some output 👍 Does that mean that it would be part of the final report?

hoangatuan commented 4 months ago

@Blackjacx Sorry I dont understand your question "Does that mean that it would be part of the final report?".

This is just a simple script that extract Xcode build logs directly by using regex. It doesn't use XCLogParser, so it can't generate the html report

hbanzon commented 3 months ago

Getting this issue as well when updating to Xcode 15.3. Any ETA on the fix?