MobileNativeFoundation / bluepill

Bluepill is a reliable iOS testing tool that runs UI tests using multiple simulators on a single machine
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Several Questions Related to Bluepill #421

Closed Husseinovich closed 3 years ago

Husseinovich commented 4 years ago

I have a few questions:

  1. I have the options - "screenshots-directory": "./screen/". However the screen's folder are empty despite some of the tests failing. Is there anything else that i need to do?
  2. What is the latest most updated fastlane plugin for Bluepill that you guys are using?

Below is my config file:

 "xctestrun-path": "path to xctestrun", 
   "output-dir": "/Users/Testresults",
   "device": "iPhone 11 Pro",
   "num-sims": 2,
   "screenshots-directory": "./screen/",
   "reuse-simulator": true,
   "failure-tolerance": 3,
   "only-retry-failed": true
ob commented 4 years ago

For the screenshots not being created, can you paste the log from bluepill? You might have to run it in verbose mode to get more information. Your output dir looks a little weird... do you have permission to write in /Users/Testresults?

We don't use fastlane, but I'm pretty sure there is a plugin for bluepill created by the community.

Husseinovich commented 4 years ago

@ob Thanks for the follow up. Here is the updated config.json

   "xctestrun-path": "bluepill/Build/Products/collate_errors_iphonesimulator13.2-x86_64.xctestrun", 
   "device": "iPhone 11 Pro",
   "num-sims": 2,
   "reuse-simulator": true,
   "failure-tolerance": 1,
   "only-retry-failed": true,
   "output-dir": "test_results/",
   "screenshots-directory": "screen/"

The screen folder is created but its empty. My thinking is that failed test cases would be saved there. test_results folder is within the project folder and is successfully created with the html report and other artifacts. Does the html report attach failed test cases screenshots? Attached verbose logs logs.txt

Husseinovich commented 4 years ago

@ob Did you get a chance to look at it? Thanks

ob commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I got distracted ;-)

So from your logs:

[20:44:28]: ▸ {12302} 20200318.204428 [ DEBUG  ] (BP-1) [CONFIGURATION] screenshotsDirectory: /Users/baxio/Downloads/collate_errors-master/fastlane/screen

I assume there are no screenshots in that directory?

Husseinovich commented 4 years ago

@ob Correct there are no screenshots in the directory but the directory itself is created successfully.

ob commented 4 years ago

Ok, can you try something? Can you try changing this line:

from a SIGKILL to a SIGTERM and see if that fixes it?

Husseinovich commented 4 years ago

@ob Can I installed via homebrew, do you want me to install the binaries to be able to make this change?

ob commented 4 years ago

Ah, sorry yeah... you'd have to build from source to try it.

Husseinovich commented 4 years ago

@ob I made the change and build from sources and still screenshots folder is empty.

Husseinovich commented 4 years ago

@ob Do you know if there is a way to specify more than one type of device, for example"

devices: ["iPhone 11", "iPad Pro"]

If not, then what is the best way to execute same tests for both iPhone and Tablet without having to them sequentially?

Husseinovich commented 4 years ago

@ob Sorry, just wanted to check if you got a chance to respond :)

ob commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I've been swamped with something else ;-)

Bluepill doesn't currently support multiple devices. Can you file an issue asking for this feature?

chenxiao0228 commented 3 years ago

@Husseinovich thanks reporting this issue.

Can you please open an feature request?