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Trying to sync Spacemacs with mobileorg #240

Closed kimfucious closed 5 years ago

kimfucious commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

I love this idea, but alas, I can't seem to get past the starting gate.

In the docs found, here, it says:

You should edit your Org mode configuration to contain something like this:
;; Set to the location of your Org files on your local system
(setq org-directory "~/org")
;; Set to the name of the file where new notes will be stored
(setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/org/")
;; Set to <your Dropbox root directory>/MobileOrg.
(setq org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/Apps/MobileOrg")

I'm assuming this goes in the .spacemacs dot file under user-config, correct?

It also says:

You can run org-mobile-push by pressing C-c C-x RET p whilst you are in an Org buffer.
If you use spacemacs just type: SPC q r

Neither of those keystroke sequences work for me, nor can I find the org-mobile-push command anywhere.

I'm running Emacs 26.3 and the development branch of Spacemacs v. 0.300.

Any help/advice is much appreciated.

webframp commented 5 years ago

Hi Kim, thanks for reporting this. I’ll try to recreate your scenario and see what I can recommend. I have some spacemacs experience so I’ll let you know.

kimfucious commented 5 years ago

Hey @webframp ...

I think I figured out my issue. I needed to have an org file open in order for org-mobile-push to be visible in the menus. My bad 😊

webframp commented 4 years ago

@kimfucious that would do it 😁

Thanks for checking out MobileOrg, let me know via issues here how it can be improved. I'm slow to make changes but open to ideas.