MobilityDB / PyMEOS

Python binding for the MEOS library
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Add PyMEOS to conda-forge #11

Closed Diviloper closed 8 months ago

Diviloper commented 2 years ago

To facilitate installation, PyMEOS should be made available via conda-forge

Diviloper commented 1 year ago

Work on this has started. Recipes for pymeos, pymeos_cffi and spans (dependency not yet in conda-forge) are being worked on in their corresponding repositories:

Diviloper commented 1 year ago

Work on this is moved to a new repository, and the work for spans has been removed it is no longer a dependency (removed in favor of implementing own Sets, Spans and SpanSets). A new recipe to add meos is being worked on.
Active work on adding meos and pymeos_cffi is being done in the pymeos_cffi branch of the staged-recipes repository.

Diviloper commented 1 year ago

The recipes are finished and a PR to publish the packages has been created. To follow the progress, see ~