MobilityData / gtfs-validator

Canonical GTFS Validator project for schedule (static) files.
Apache License 2.0
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Proposal: Modify Validator to allow for custom validation #1067

Open isabelle-dr opened 3 years ago

isabelle-dr commented 3 years ago

This is an issue for planning the introduction of custom validation, It will be updated as we plan and develop the work. Please share with us below your needs and ideas! πŸ’‘ If you'd like to contribute to this release, please get in touch with isabelle at isabelle@mobilitydata.orgπŸ™

Goal for the release 🎯

In addition to the canonical set of rules (based on the official GTFS specification), we want to allow introducing additional rules and create custom validation sets in this tool. This aims at responding to the following user needs:



The Product Requirement Document: It is a working document, feel free to leave comments directly in it.

This feature has been discussed/could help in the following issues:

isabelle-dr commented 2 years ago

Here is a summary of what was discussed during our first community meeting to confirm the needs and look at how to change the validator architecture for the 3.2 release. Thank you for your participation!

Candidates for the Custom Validation feature we have so far. This list will be updated as other interests arise.

Custom validation for What's different? Interested in contributing
GTFS-Fares v2 New files, extended and modified existing files, new custom rules to add @lionel-nj
GTFS-Flex v2 New files, extended and modified existing files, new custom rules to add @lionel-nj
OpenTripPlanner's 1.x criteria To be defined @markstos
Cal-ITP's guidelines GTFS-Fares v2 is included, shapes.txt and pathways.txt is required, stops.wheelchair_boarding, trips.wheelchair_accessible and stops.tts_stop_name fields are required, some severities of canonical rules are different @evansiroky
Google's extended route types (discussed here)
bdferris-v2 commented 2 years ago

As an update, my colleague @asvechnikov2 has put together a proposal doc that describes potential high-level functionality in support of custom validation:

Happy to have feedback (heads-up @KClough @themightychris).