Mobject-Dev-Team / mobject-graph

This is one of the many libraries of mobject. This library focuses on the providing graphical programming abilities to TwinCAT.
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RPC error when deleting node #11

Closed EtiennePhillipsBeckhoff closed 1 day ago

EtiennePhillipsBeckhoff commented 1 month ago

As a node is deleted, mobject-graph-webserver reports the following RPC error:

Error calling RPC method GetStatus: Error: Call 185: Unknown UUID : c0874bcf-4a4d-4e5d-b260-d0a8ff09e243
    at #handleFailure (C:\Temp\repos\mobject\mobject-graph-webserver\node_modules\mobject-client\src\core\AsyncClient.js:298:29)
    at #handleResponseBasedOnStatus (C:\Temp\repos\mobject\mobject-graph-webserver\node_modules\mobject-client\src\core\AsyncClient.js:166:28)
    at #enqueueRequest (C:\Temp\repos\mobject\mobject-graph-webserver\node_modules\mobject-client\src\core\AsyncClient.js:118:68)

Node is still deleted successfully though, and no side-effects have been noticed.

AndyP01 commented 1 month ago

I can somewhat reproduce this, although I see a slightly different error message.


An error occurs if you delete a node that is linked to another, for example a BOOL Literal with a BOOL Display. When linked, deleting either of them causes the error.

But if the link itself is first deleted, and then the node removed, no error occurs.

Changing the status update poll rate from 100ms to 1000ms also eliminates the error, or at least makes it much less frequent. Did not see it occur in my tests.

EtiennePhillipsBeckhoff commented 1 month ago

Ah, yes, all my testing was with a link to another node. I agree that without any links, there's no error. I'm guessing that it's not within the graph-api library then. I wasn't certain exactly where in the mobject collection it was happening!

benhar-dev commented 1 week ago

Hi @EtiennePhillipsBeckhoff, just a quick check, with the latest versions do you still see this issue? I think it may have been fixed in the previous round of updates.

benhar-dev commented 1 day ago

Fixed in previous version