Moc / wrapper

Wrapper - reincarnation of the 'wrap' plugin
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Says SURVEYS in tab #7

Closed Norwayman closed 7 years ago

Norwayman commented 7 years ago


I am using the Wrapper plugin to show a timeline I found. But if you se in the TAB for this page it says Surveys. I have been looking all over the place for where I can change this. Can you help me?

Moc commented 7 years ago

What is the title you entered in the Wrapper Admin Area?

Norwayman commented 7 years ago


@Moc These are the titles. Nothing to do with SURVEYS as it says in the TAB :) And inside these HTML files there is nothing saying "SURVEYS" either.

Moc commented 7 years ago

Very interesting.. I'm on vacation atm but will take a look once I'm back on my laptop

Moc commented 7 years ago

Which will be early august :)

Norwayman commented 7 years ago

@Moc Oh sorry....didn't know you were on vacation. Have a good one and see you in August! :)

Moc commented 7 years ago

No worries, no way you could know. I shouldn't be replying haha :p thanks!

Moc commented 7 years ago

Are you using the Survey plugin actively? If not, please uninstall. Does the proper title now display instead?

Norwayman commented 7 years ago

@Moc Yes I am using the Survey plugin (Git 2.1 version from Jimako) It has som changes that I tested and I really love that plugin. I uninstalled it now, and guess what? This is the result:


Norwayman commented 7 years ago

So I guess it worked with your prediction. still doesn't show title in the tab. Just the name of my homepage. :)

Moc commented 7 years ago

Yeah still no good. You can reinstall the survey plugin and use it again. I'll see if I can make some tweaks this weekend. Thanks for the quick feedback.

Norwayman commented 7 years ago

@Moc I also wrote to Jimako to see if there is something. I don't know.....using the same names on variables or somthing.

Jimmi08 commented 7 years ago

Guys, my mistake. It's result of using survey plugin for company that I needed it for. I didn't plan to publish it, but later I decided to do it and I thought I stripped all custom things (in this case not working / weird working e_PAGETITLE, so I hardcoded it). That site uses only this one plugin and it's called survey so I didn't notice it.

@Norwayman comment please line 26 - 42 in

That code should be executed only if you are on survey pages but I am not able to fix it now. And it's always tricky with sef-url version, so I am not able to write code directly.

Norwayman commented 7 years ago

@Jimmi08 @Moc Yes Jimako's solution worked. Now, everything will be perfect if Moc gets his title done for the tabs :) Thanks guys!

Moc commented 7 years ago

See the latest version of wrapper.php: The page title should work properly now. Let me know if it works.

Norwayman commented 7 years ago

@moc Yes, it works like a charm now! Thank you!

Moc commented 7 years ago

You're welcome :)