MochiLibraries / Mochi.DearImGui

Automatically generated low-level C# bindings for Dear ImGui
MIT License
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use unmanaged, ref #4

Open AhmedZero opened 2 years ago

AhmedZero commented 2 years ago

why don't use the ref keyword in the pointer parameter instead? and function like ImGui.ListBox

        [DllImport("Mochi.DearImGui.Native", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "?ListBox@ImGui@@YA_NPEBDPEAHQEBQEBDHH@Z", ExactSpelling = true)]
        private static extern byte ListBox_PInvoke(byte* label, int* current_item, sbyte** items, int items_count, int height_in_items);

use UnmanagedType.LPArray and use string[];

        [DllImport("Mochi.DearImGui.Native", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "?ListBox@ImGui@@YA_NPEBDPEAHQEBQEBDHH@Z", ExactSpelling = true)]
        private static extern byte ListBox_PInvoke(byte* label, int* current_item, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.LPStr)]string[] items, int items_count, int height_in_items);
PathogenDavid commented 2 years ago

Hey, sorry for the late response. Taxes consumed all spare energy I had this weekend.

why don't use the ref keyword in the pointer parameter instead?

By default everything is exposed roughly the same as it is in C++. Since this parameter is a pointer in C++ it's a pointer in C# too.

In theory one could write a transformation to automatically convert all pointer parameters to C# byrefs, but I'd be hesitant to do this because it's not always the best thing to do. (Particularly for APIs where the pointer is allowed to be null since I'd rather not assume people know about Unsafe.NullRef<T> or force them to use it for common APIs like ImGui::Begin.)

use UnmanagedType.LPArray and use string[];

In general we avoid using .NET's built-in marshaler because it's pretty bad performance-wise.

It's also being deprecated in .NET 7 in favor of more C#-centric approaches like the upcoming LibraryImportGenerator or Biohazrd.

In this specific case, I simply haven't had a chance to really look at the best way to expose this function in a more developer-friendly way.

In general I want the developer friendly wrappers to guide people towards a pit of success performance-wise, especially for a library where hundreds or even thousands of function calls are being done in a fraction of a 16ms window.

Since this is and ComboBox are the only APIs like this in Dear ImGui, I'd probably be inclined to just write human-friendly wrappers for them manually. (Probably using a shared UTF8 buffer and the function pointer overload instead of the string array one, but I'd want to sit down and think about it more.)

If you need something more friendly today, I'd probably just use BeginListBox/Selectable/EndListBox directly. (That's basically all ImGui::ListBox is anyway, minus some ImGuiListClipper logic which only really matters if your list box has a huge number of items -- in which case you probably need to special case things from C# anyway to avoid the overhead of constant UTF16 -> UTF8 conversions.)

AhmedZero commented 2 years ago

I know about marshaller performance. Anyway, I simply use Unsafe.AsPointer instead of using a lot of fixed keywords.

PathogenDavid commented 2 years ago

I would be careful about using Unsafe.AsPointer since it'd be easy to accidentally create a GC hole which can lead to very random crashes. You'd be better off making a helper method which exposes ref and uses fixed internally. (fixed has basically no performance overhead.)

AhmedZero commented 2 years ago

I don't think it has a problem with static variables. ldarg.0 conv.u ret

PathogenDavid commented 2 years ago

I don't think it has a problem with static variables.

Today I learned. Not sure if that's an implementation detail I'd want to rely on, but neat nonetheless.

FYI, according to Pro .NET Memory that assumption only applies to primitive types. All user-defined structs used for static fields are allocated in boxes on the normal GC heap. (You can observe this pretty easily using this snippet.)

AhmedZero commented 2 years ago

Yes it works well with primitive types.

AhmedZero commented 2 years ago

I have an idea to make an option if anyone wants a ref keyword, generate it with the ref keyword.

PathogenDavid commented 2 years ago

I still don't think it's a good idea to provide overloads that use ref for all pointer parameters across the whole API surface, so I would hesitate to provide an official option without additional extra care.

That being said if you'd like to experiment with doing so yourself, here's a quick and dirty transformation which adds such overloads:

using Biohazrd;
using Biohazrd.CSharp;
using Biohazrd.CSharp.Trampolines;
using Biohazrd.Transformation;
using System.Linq;

namespace Mochi.DearImGui.Generator;

// This transformation is pretty naive and many of the overloads it generates don't make any sense. Use at your own risk!
internal sealed class MakeRefOverloadsTransformation : TransformationBase
    protected override TransformationResult TransformFunction(TransformationContext context, TranslatedFunction declaration)
        if (!declaration.Metadata.TryGet(out TrampolineCollection trampolines))
        { return declaration; }

        // Create trampolines which adapt pointers to C# byrefs.
        // We don't want to just loop over the entire trampoline collection because we don't want to adapt a non-primary native trampoline
        Trampoline? TryMakeTrampoline(Trampoline targetTrampoline)
            TrampolineBuilder builder = new(targetTrampoline, useAsTemplate: true);

            foreach (Adapter adapter in targetTrampoline.Adapters)
                // Skip parameters which don't accept input
                if (!adapter.AcceptsInput)
                { continue; }

                // If the parameter isn't a pointer we don't care about it
                if (adapter.InputType is not PointerTypeReference pointerType)
                { continue; }

                // If the parameter is a `const byte*`, we skip it since it's probably meant to be a string
                if (pointerType is { Inner: CSharpBuiltinTypeReference cSharpPointee, InnerIsConst: true } && cSharpPointee == CSharpBuiltinType.Byte)
                { continue; }

                // If the parameter is `void*` we skip it since `ref void` isn't valid C#
                if (pointerType.Inner is VoidTypeReference)
                { continue; }

                // If we got this far, adapt the parameter to a C# byref
                builder.AdaptParameter(adapter, new ByRefAdapter(adapter, ByRefKind.Ref));

            return builder.HasAdapters ? builder.Create() : null;

#if false
        // Handle pointer parameters in the primary trampoline
            if (TryMakeTrampoline(trampolines.PrimaryTrampoline) is Trampoline trampoline)
            { declaration = declaration.WithSecondaryTrampoline(trampoline); }

        // Handle pointer parameters in the secondary trampoline
        foreach (Trampoline secondaryTrampoline in trampolines.SecondaryTrampolines)
            if (TryMakeTrampoline(secondaryTrampoline) is Trampoline trampoline)
            { declaration = declaration.WithSecondaryTrampoline(trampoline); }
        // Only adapt pointer parameters for the "last" trampoline
        // (This should be either the primary trampoline or the interpolated string handler overload. Not the most robust way to identify it but it gets the job done.)
            if (TryMakeTrampoline(trampolines.Last()) is Trampoline trampoline)
            { declaration = declaration.WithSecondaryTrampoline(trampoline); }

        return declaration;

This transformation should be run immediately after ImGuiCreateStringWrappersTransformation.

IE: Modify the are around Program.cs:136 to be:

// ...
library = new ImGuiCreateStringWrappersTransformation().Transform(library);
library = new MakeRefOverloadsTransformation().Transform(library);
library = new StripUnreferencedLazyDeclarationsTransformation().Transform(library);
// ...
AhmedZero commented 2 years ago

Thanks 😁.