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Zero-opacity panels do not register in the debugger properly #114

Open Arhowk opened 7 years ago

Arhowk commented 7 years ago

When you have a panel with zero opacity, it will pick up hittests (intentional or not is not the discussion here) but when you try to debug it, the debugger will fail.

For example, put this in an XML file

        <PopupSettings  />

(PopupSettings being the settings menu)

This will make an invisible settings menu in the middle of your screen (because you have to apply the Shown class to it to get it to display)

You can't click on where the Settings menu would normally be. If you debug it, one would expect to be pointed to the invisible settings menu in the debugger, however this isn't the case. When you try to debug the panel picking up the hittests, it will just return the last panel the client pressed.