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Panorama Label and TextEntry text goes invisible after a certain length #134

Open devilesk opened 6 years ago

devilesk commented 6 years ago

Once the content of the text attribute in a panel exceeds a certain width it becomes invisible. You can still select the text and cut/copy/paste, but you don't see the characters.

It looks like the point at which the text becomes invisible is based on the width of the text exceeding the screen width. The number of characters varies depending on aspect ratio, font-size, and the text itself. Setting overflow to scroll doesn't matter. Neither does setting text in xml or js.

You should also be able to reproduce just by manually entering text in any TextEntry and the contents will turn invisible eventually.

Example xml and css:

        <include src="file://{resources}/styles/dotastyles.css" />
        <include src="file://{resources}/styles/custom_game/main.css" />
    <Panel class="container">
        <TextEntry id="test" text="aaaaaaaaaa"/>
        <Label id="test2" text="aaaaaaaaaa" />
.container {
    margin-left: 50px;
    width: 1920px;
    height: 1080px;
    flow-children: down;

#test, #test2 {
    border: 1px solid red;
    width: 50%;
    height: 50%;
    font-size: 500px;
    overflow: scroll;