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Listing bugs for Dota 2 Custom Games
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2020 Custom games bugs list #151

Open DoctorGester opened 4 years ago

DoctorGester commented 4 years ago

Big things

Small things

movexig commented 4 years ago
SanctusAnimus commented 4 years ago

Expose to lua or add API for interacting with ability charges Suggested functions are:

SanctusAnimus commented 4 years ago

Minor bInformClient of lua modifier's :SetDuration(float flDuration, bool bInformClient) doesn't actually update modifiers HUD on clients, duration "Round Progress Bars" don't change at all

Toyoka commented 4 years ago

Minor suggestion:

ark120202 commented 4 years ago
darklordabc commented 4 years ago

Fix the spectate button so that I can spectate a random custom game in progress, good for new players to preview games. image

XavierCHN commented 4 years ago

Lua API GetSoundDuration(soundname, actormodel) doesn't return a correct value, it always returns 2.0.

fcalife commented 4 years ago

Add the amount of players in the lobby to this screen:


So that players can know before accepting if a lobby filled up with all players properly, or if the host started the game prematurely with less players than is ideal for the game in question. Especially relevant since there is now a time penalty associated with declining this prompt.

fcalife commented 4 years ago

Also on the above: if the host starts the game prematurely (i.e. before the lobby is full), penalties for not accepting the above prompt should not trigger. Said penalties should only be applied when the game became ready as a result of the lobby filling up naturally and auto-starting.

fcalife commented 4 years ago

The updating process for custom games is really buggy if an update was pushed to them recently (in the last ~10-15min). This is a pain for all players when an update happens, but is especially painful for developers trying to playtest their updates, since the whole process can take 15-20 minutes and a lot of trial and error sometimes.

1) When a custom game has been recently updated, trying to play a match of it should result in downloading the relevant update. Often, this simply doesn't happen, and players become unable to enter lobbies, receiving the "custom game archives don't match" message.

2) In the situation above, attempting to uninstall and reinstall the custom game to force an update, more often than not, does nothing. It takes several minutes for the update to "register" - players know that has happened when they get a download bar after trying the uninstall/reinstall procedure.

3) Players often resort to uninstalling a custom game, closing dota, relaunching it, and then reinstalling the custom game. This method has a high rate of success in "forcing" the update to be detected, but is still not 100% reliable.

4) Sometimes, players can join a lobby with different versions of the same custom game. In that situation, if the host has not updated their game, they are unable to start it (it never goes beyond the 'finding server' phase, simply returning to the lobby phase silently). If a player has not updated, the game will load, the player in question will fail to load, and all players will be kicked back to the lobby phase.

In the above scenario, even worse, all players get a 5 minute (or more) custom game penalty time.

fcalife commented 4 years ago

Suggestion: add a custom game version number or hash to easily identify which version is currently installed on a player's machine.

sscotten commented 4 years ago

Add ability to add spectator slots in custom lobbies (allows for casting custom games on regular mod with no delay instead of having to create an entirely new mod for this purpose alone).

sscotten commented 4 years ago

Create a new option within the "PRIVATE" mod options that allows us to add/remove access to a mod (for alpha testing purposes). This must not require us to have these users on friends list as it is just not feasible if the alpha team is large.

DoctorGester commented 4 years ago

I've marked suggestions as off-topic