ModDota / BugTracker

Listing bugs for Dota 2 Custom Games
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Invoker Spells not invoking correctly #153

Open SillyBob7 opened 5 months ago

SillyBob7 commented 5 months ago

I've noticed for the past few games as Invoker, that the spells are not invoking correctly. For example, EEQ is supposed to give you Forge Spirits... but it invokes Sun Strike, instead. As far as I can tell it the "Q" press is being registered by the game, but incorrect spell is being invoked. I have to press "R" again, to invoke the correct one.

So if I want to generate Forge Spirits, I press "EEQ + R". This gives me Sun Strike, instead. The orbs are 2 E and 1 Q. But on using Invoke, it gives me Sun Strike. So I need to press "R" again (Invoke again) for me to get the Forge Spirits.

This doesn't happen with just Forge Spirits. Recently, I have found that many spells are not invoking properly. In my past 3 games as Invoker, this has happened at least 30% of the time. This is a huge problem, because it means you cannot invoke the spell you want to.

So if you were in a game where you were expecting a meteor and a random ice wall popped up, I'm sorry.

DarkoniusXNG commented 4 months ago

Wrong bugtracker. For stuff like this go here: