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Custom Ability/Item Icon issues #90

Open Yahnich opened 7 years ago

Yahnich commented 7 years ago

This has kinda been forgotten because most people have applied work-arounds but I suppose this bug is still in effect:

Item buffs do not have an icon unless the icon is placed in both the items folder (for the actual item icon) and spellicons (for the buff)

Similarly, spellicons AND item icons need to be placed in a subfolder inside of their respective root folder ("custom/" for example), otherwise the icons will not show up

fairly minor, but it'd be nice if we could remove duplicate images at least.

darklordabc commented 7 years ago

Can confirm. This was very time consuming to re-path all the icons. The workaround is easy IF you know what it is, but if somebody doesn't tell you about the need for the sub-folder, you could spend a long time trying to figure it out, as many modders already have.