ModOrganizer2 / mob

Mod Organizer Builder.
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Allow usage of glob-like string for task names. #25

Closed Holt59 closed 4 years ago

Holt59 commented 4 years ago

Allow kind-of-basic glob-matching for task names:

> mob build uibase game_fallout[34] installer_*
0.03     [uibase]                              fetching
0.04     [game_fallout4]                       fetching
0.04     [installer_bain]                      fetching
0.04     [installer_manua]                     fetching
0.04     [game_fallout3]                       fetching
0.04     [installer_quick]                     fetching
0.04     [installer_fomod]                     fetching
0.04     [installer_ncc]                       fetching
0.04     [installer_bundl]                     fetching
1.48     [uibase]                              build and install
4.58     [game_fallout3]                       build and install
5.96     [game_fallout4]                       build and install
7.34     [installer_bain]                      build and install
8.73     [installer_manua]                     build and install
10.10    [installer_bundl]                     build and install
11.47    [installer_quick]                     build and install
12.82    [installer_fomod]                     build and install
14.21    [installer_ncc]                       build and install
15.64                                          mob done

I find this pretty useful when you work on all installer or game plugins for instance, and it should not break anything. I went with a very straightforward implementation using std::regex since this is not a critical part of the code.