If you are vaguely familiar with programming you can try following the instructions on that link to get something working yourself. If you have trouble with that please fill in this template.
Please provide the following information for the game (remove the optional lines you do not use):
I just went through the process of downloading the mods as suggested by your website and upon enabling them, the game will not boot.
I have a warning sign and it states this:
<The masters for some plugins (esp/esl/esm) are not enabled.
The game will crash unless you install and enable the following plugins:
Required By
this is in two columns, and I have searched all over to try to find them....There's no search to help...and I'm stuck.
please help me fix this.....
Provide additional details regarding the game that could be required for the plugin.
This template is useful to add basic support using https://github.com/ModOrganizer2/modorganizer-basic_games.
If you are vaguely familiar with programming you can try following the instructions on that link to get something working yourself. If you have trouble with that please fill in this template.
Please provide the following information for the game (remove the optional lines you do not use):
I just went through the process of downloading the mods as suggested by your website and upon enabling them, the game will not boot.
I have a warning sign and it states this:
<The masters for some plugins (esp/esl/esm) are not enabled. The game will crash unless you install and enable the following plugins:
Master Required By cctosfo4002_neonflats.esm ppf-neonflats-cr.esm fakeInt.esp fakeInt_DLC.esp fakeInt_Boston.esp fakeInt_DLC.esp
this is in two columns, and I have searched all over to try to find them....There's no search to help...and I'm stuck.
please help me fix this.....
Provide additional details regarding the game that could be required for the plugin.