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MIDI output messages as integers #294

Open sensestage opened 7 years ago

sensestage commented 7 years ago

In some cases it is useful to set the raw value of a MIDI output element, as the bytes may have some clever encoding. This is for example the case with the Tascam US-2400 for the encoder ring display.

I will commit an IntegerClip class which can act as a spec to restrict a value to a certain integer range.

sensestage commented 7 years ago

The only issue is then for the GUI views, how to display this properly

LFSaw commented 7 years ago

Can't this be done with a (Control)Spec? This seems to be similar to the String specs used in the OSC implementation, or?

sensestage commented 7 years ago

When you do byte-encoding you do not want to go through a floating point representation as is the case in a spec (which always converts to/from a 0 to 1)

I guess it could be an output collective where you combine all of the options into one byte and then send it.

I have to admit that I am not uptodate enough with the code base to know how much of the work on Collectives that I put in is still in the current version.

The ItemSpec comes close, but you'd want to pass in values as symbols/strings and then output integers.

sensestage commented 7 years ago

For reference, here is the function to set the encoder ring in meter mode:

~levelSpec = [0,15,\linear,1].asSpec;
~meterVal = { |level, showPeak=false, resetOverload = false, overload=false|
    level = level );
    level = level.asInteger & 0x0F;
    if ( showPeak ){
        level = level | 0x10;
    if ( resetOverload ){
        level = level | 0x40; // reset the overload
        if ( overload ){
            level = level | 0x20; // there is an overload

and here in the other mode:

~levelSpec = [0,15,\linear,1].asSpec;
~ringVal = { |level, mode=1, center=false|
    level = level );
    level = level.asInteger & 0x0F;
    if ( center ){
        level = level | 0x40;
    switch( mode,
        // 1, { },    // data & 0x30 = 0
        // \dot, { }, // data & 0x30 = 0
        2, { level = level | 0x10; }, // data & 0x30 = 0x10
        \cutBoost, { level = level | 0x10; }, // data & 0x30 = 0x10
        3, { level = level | 0x10; }, // data & 0x30 = 0x20
        \spread, { level = level | 0x20; }, // data & 0x30 = 0x20
        4, {
            level = level | 0x10;
            level = level | 0x20;
        }, // data & 0x30 = 0x20
        \width, {
            level = level | 0x10;
            level = level | 0x20;
        } // data & 0x30 = 0x20

Another common case seems to be the LED [ \off, \blink, \on] case.

LFSaw commented 7 years ago


I have to admit that I am not uptodate enough with the code base to know how much of the work on Collectives that I put in is still in the current version.

@adcxyz , can you comment?

adcxyz commented 7 years ago

AFAIR, all the collective stuff is still there and works.

LFSaw commented 7 years ago

Speaking of MKtlElementCollective, it is missing documentation... And I have no diea whatsoever what it is intended for.

adcxyz commented 7 years ago

This seems similar to the CinematixWheel #117, hardware with indiosyncratic ways of compressing data into (MIDI) messages. Like there, I think it good to provide a specific solution for the case and document its logic; like there also, I don't understand what the general case to solve is.

For a no-spec MKtlElement, one could use MAbstractElement; for mapped/unmapped integer values, one could write a ControlSpec subclass with a flag whether to do .asInteger on the output or not. collectives for distributing incoming values seems fine - one can also just provide a full example that does the conversion, and tell users to attach that to the MKtl concerned. 2c a

adcxyz commented 7 years ago

@sensestage ping