Moddable-OpenSource / iot-product-dev-book

Source code for example apps from IoT Development for ESP32 and ESP8266 with JavaScript.
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[Bug] #22

Open ffinacio opened 9 months ago

ffinacio commented 9 months ago

Build environment: Windows11

Target device: NodeMCU ESP32

Description mcrun_issue

Pages 12 and 13 - Installing helloworld The host installation was done with success. When running mcrun -d -m -p esp32 the application stops reporting an issue involving idf-py and no access to serial2xsbug.exe and xsbug according attached report. Best regards

phoddie commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the report. Sorry for the trouble.

It would help to know how you installed the Moddable SDK. Did you follow the instructions here in the Moddable SDK repository or did you use xs-dev? Either is fine, but it might be relevant.

I'll take a look to see if I can reproduce this.

ffinacio commented 9 months ago

To install Modable SDK I followed the first option (moddable/documentation/Modable SDK-Getting using Windows 11 and installed Modable seems to be working perfectly. For my understanding, the issue can be caused by my previous installation of ESP-IDF. The explanation for "Using the Moddable SDK for ESP32" is not easy to understand and I decided to create an environment variable "ESP-IDF C:\Expressif\frameworks\esp-idf-v4.4" perhaps something else is required. As I told you before the host for Hello World was installed perfectly using mcrun.

ffinacio commented 9 months ago

My mistake on previous comment I referred mcrun and should be mcconf.

phoddie commented 9 months ago

@ffinacio – Thank you for the additional information. I will take a look at get back to you.

phoddie commented 9 months ago

Apologies for the slow response. I've had to get another Windows machine set-up for development. That is taking longer than expected (still working on it!)

In reviewing your output, it looks possible that your find command is not the expected one. Is it possible that you have "CoreUtils for Windows" or "GnuWin32" installed? It looks like a workaround for that would be for the mcrun makefile fragment for Windows to explicitly invoke the default Windows find command. If you can, try changing these lines to:

debug: $(ARCHIVE)
    -tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq serial2xsbug.exe" | ($(SYSTEMROOT)\System32\find.exe /i "serial2xsbug.exe" > nul) && taskkill /f /t /im "serial2xsbug.exe" >nul 2>&1
    tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq xsbug.exe" | $(SYSTEMROOT)\System32\find.exe /i "xsbug.exe" > nul || (start $(XSBUG).exe && echo Starting xsbug... && timeout /nobreak /t 7 > nul)
    echo "Running serial2xsbug..." && set "XSBUG_PORT=$(XSBUG_PORT)" && set "XSBUG_HOST=$(XSBUG_HOST)" && serial2xsbug $(UPLOAD_PORT) $(DEBUGGER_SPEED) 8N1 -install $(ARCHIVE)