Closed tve closed 1 year ago
Thank you for the report.
I'm concluding that it's the code in the MCU that crashes
That is contradicted by the <?xs-3FFB4264?>
from the MCU in the trace.
It looks more like the MCU didn't receive the command from the Linux device. It is timing out waiting for the initial set-up to complete. An unreliable serial connection would do that. You could try stepping back to a slower baud rate Try setting
DEBUGGER_SPEED=115200 mcconfig...
I see, so you assume that the last <?xs-3FFB4264?>
is a retry because the <set-all-breakpoints></set-all-breakpoints>
wasn't properly received.
I did some more troubleshooting in the meantime and when it hangs, in fxDescribeInstrumentation fxIsConnected()
returns false, that's why <xsbug><instruments><instrument ...
isn't being sent by the MCU.
I will try a lower serial rate. I had tried a completely different board with a (genuine) FTDI adapter (whereas the NodeMCU uses a cp210x). Thanks for the suggestions!
Quick update: @115220 I see the same hanging.
so you assume that the last <?xs-3FFB4264?> is a retry
It is not a retry. That is a disconnect.
If the MCU does not receive a valid command on the xsbug connection within 2 seconds of sending the <login
it concludes no debugger is available and continues without it. The disconnect message indicates that no valid command was received.
Ah, thanks for the clarification! (If there's a doc I should read I'd love to.)
I had written down that the -
after xs
results in closing the network but then overlooked it.
That explains why the->connection
is falsy by the time fxDescribeInstrumentation comes around. OK, so I need to figure out what the MCU is expecting in response to the login and why it's not receiving that...
...I need to figure out what the MCU is expecting in response to the login and why it's not receiving that...
It is expecting any valid command. Such as <set-all-breakpoints></set-all-breakpoints>
. Perhaps your computer is taking longer than 2 seconds to send that?
Perhaps your computer is taking longer than 2 seconds to send that?
It happens instantaneously.
The plot thickens... I added a buffer to capture what fxReceiveLoop is reading. I'm printing it when fxReceive exits surrounded by {..} and with control characters shown as ~hex. Here's a successful start-up:
entry 0x400805d0
<xsbug><login name="main" value="XS"/></xsbug>
### set time
<xsbug><log>DescribeInstrumentation </log></xsbug>
<xsbug><log>Connected </log></xsbug>
<xsbug><instruments><instrument name="Pixels drawn" value
=" pixels"/><instrument name="Frames drawn" value=" frame
s"/><instrument name="Network bytes read" value=" bytes"/
Here's a failed start-up:
entry 0x400805d0
<xsbug><login name="main" value="XS"/></xsbug>
### set time
{~0A<?XS#3FFB436C?>~00~0F ~00~00C~D73I~DF~DF~8F~80~00~00~00~00~0A~0A
... nope, those CAPS are not my editing...
BTW, what does the "fx" prefix on all the function in serial2xsbug stand for?
That's really strange. Is it possible there is some configuration on the Linux serial driver you are using that is performing case conversion? The code in serial2xsbug for that is here.
BTW, what does the "fx" prefix on all the function in serial2xsbug stand for?
Function. XS coding style.
Yeah, I'm trying to understand fxOpenSerial... The first thing that stood out is that everywhere I read they start with tcgetattr to init the termios struct before modifying and setting. even claims you get erratic behavior if you don't. I don't know I believe that, but I am observing erratic behavior...
Unfortunately, just starting with tcgetattr doesn't work 'cause some flags that need to be cleared aren't.
I'm trying to ascertain that the code wants a "completely raw" connection and will then try some sample code from the interwebs... (I don't have linux serial programming experience other than hacking around when it doesn't work.)
. (I don't have linux serial programming experience other than hacking around when it doesn't work.)
That's where most everyone seems to be. It is a black art. Good luck. Looking forward to what you discover.
OK, erratic behavior explained... Looking at fxOpenSerial:
struct termios term
is declared at the top but not initializedterm.c_oflag &= ~ONLCR;
leaves all output processing flags except for ONLCR in a random state depending on the uninitialized term
fieldIn addition, there are several fields that set the speed and the recommended portable method is to use cfsetspeed()
(see the man page).
Also, there is a section in the second half of the function to set a non-standard speed (the if (speed == BOTHER)
section) but:
is never set to BOTHERtio2
struct and then uses that struct to update the speed, but the assignments in-between manipulate term
, so that section is completely ineffectiveRight now it seems to work reliably for me. I'm leaning towards a PR that makes three changes:
using cfmakeraw()
(alternatively use memset)c_oflag
Thanks for the analysis and PR. It more-or-less makes sense (given a limited understanding of every detail). We'll review.
Build environment: Linux, Arch Target device: NodeMCU board w/esp32
Description When serial2xsbug starts up it frequently hangs after set-all-breakpoints.
Steps to Reproduce
) build and load the host usingmcconfig -d -m -p esp32/nodemcu
BUG_PORT=5002 XSBUG_HOST=localhost serial2xsbug /dev/ttyUSB0 460800 8N1
(you can also re-run mcconfig, it just takes longer...)<?xs.3FFB4264?>
set time
<?xs#3FFB4264?> <?xs.3FFB4264?>
set time
set time
<?xs#3FFB4264?>### install
<?xs#3FFB4264?> <?xs-3FFB4264?>