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Is loadmod ready for use? #495

Closed wilberforce closed 3 years ago

wilberforce commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to follow:

and files from here:

The UPLOAD_SPEED and UPLOAD_PORT (defaults to COM8) does not get read from the board default manifest by mcrun like mcconfig does.

mcrun -d -m -p esp32/m5stick_c

F:\Projects\M5c-tilt\www>set VERBOSE=1

F:\Projects\M5c-tilt\www>mcrun -d -m -p esp32/m5stick_c
# xsc main.xsb

        tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq serial2xsbug.exe" | (find /i "serial2xsbug.exe" > nul) && taskkill /f /t /im "serial2xsbug.exe" >nul 2>&1
        tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq xsbug.exe" | find /i "xsbug.exe" > nul || (start F:\Projects\moddable\build\bin\win\debug\xsbug.exe && echo Starting xsbug... && timeout /nobreak /t 7 > nul)
        F:\Projects\moddable\build\bin\win\debug\serial2xsbug COM3 460800 8N1 -install F:\Projects\moddable\build\bin\esp32\debug\www\www.xsa

This defaults to the moddable 2 speed - and when I manually try to run using the 1500000 Buad rate - I seen nothing in xsbug and the script does not finish.

a. Is there a compete example with a host and a mod?

b. Does this work with the simulator? Is there anywhere the mods are installed for the simulator?


phoddie commented 3 years ago

Mods work well. You'll hearing more about those from us soon.

That said, I haven't tried them (recently, al least) on a device that uses a baud rate of 1500000.

There are lots of examples here. I suggest starting with the Chapter 10 host and graph example. It works on devices (Moddable One, Moddable Two, M5Stack Fire) and the simulator.

Screen Shot 2020-11-15 at 9 01 39 PM

wilberforce commented 3 years ago


here is a PR for the $DEBUGGER_SPEED