Open YangHaibin1102 opened 3 months ago
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Model Submitter:
Haibin Yang (0000-0002-8628-3704)
Model Creator(s):
Model slug:
(this will be the name of the model repository when created)
Model name:
Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Cycles Based On Navier-Stokes Equations With Viscoelastic-Plasticity Rheology
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Model Category:
Model Status:
Associated Publication title:
Short description:
The numerical modeling method for long-term tectonic deformations averages out the co-seismic fault displacement into thousands to tens of thousands of years, and neglects near-fault damages of earthquakes; therefore, it may not be able to decipher fault activities in detail. Software simulating earthquake rupture dynamics may not have a good estimation of background stress due to longterm tectonic deformations. In this study, we develop a numerical framework that embeds earthquake rupture dynamics into a long-term tectonic deformation model by adding inertial terms and using highly adaptive time-stepping that can capture deformation at plate-motion rates as well as individual earthquakes. The inertia term, which is neglected in long-term large-scale modeling methods, is considered to simulate the dynamic rupture processes. The rate-and-state frictional relationship for co-seismic fault slip is implemented in viscoelastic-plastic earth. Benchmarks of viscous flow, viscoelastic wave propagation and earthquake cycle simulations are tested. Based on these benchmarks, we undertake a generic study of a thrust fault in crust. We find that lower crustal rheology affects the periodic time of characteristic large earthquake cycles and the inter-seismic free surface movement. Cratons with a relatively strong lower crust due to lower temperature remain two peaks in surface uplift profiles around the fault zone for thousands of years after one characteristic earthquake, which help identify active faults in cratons.
Visco-elastic-plastic modeling approaches for long-term tectonic deformation assume that co-seismic fault displacement can be integrated over 1000s–10,000s years (tens of earthquake cycles) with the appropriate failure law, and that short-timescale fluctuations in the stress field due to individual earthquakes have no effect on long-term behavior. Models of the earthquake rupture process generally assume that the tectonic (long-range) stress field or kinematic boundary conditions are steady over the course of multiple earthquake cycles. This study is aimed to fill the gap between long-term and short-term deformations by modeling earthquake cycles with the rate-and-state frictional (RSF) relationship in Navier-Stokes equations. We reproduce benchmarks at the earthquake timescale to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. We then discuss how these high-resolution models degrade if the time-step cannot capture the rupture process accurately and, from this, infer when it is important to consider coupling of the two timescales and the level of accuracy required. To build upon these benchmarks, we undertake a generic study of a thrust fault in the crust with a prescribed geometry. It is found that lower crustal rheology affects the periodic time of characteristic earthquake cycles and the inter-seismic, free-surface deformation rate. In particular, the relaxation of the surface of a cratonic region (with a relatively strong lower crust) has a characteristic double-peaked uplift profile that persists for thousands of years after a major slip event. This pattern might be diagnostic of active faults in cratonic regions.
Scientific Keywords:
No embargo on model contents requested
Include model code:
Include model output data:
Software Framework DOI/URL:
Found software: Underworld
Name of primary software framework:
Software & algorithm keywords:
Landing page image:
Caption: Figure 5. Evolution of the stress at the reference point (0, 0, −10 km) (a), maximum slip rate along the entire fault zone (b) and the adaptive time step used in simulation (c) for the reference model.
Filename: []()
Graphic abstract:
Filename: []()
Model setup figure:
Figure 4. The benchmark model BP5 for 3D sequence of earthquakes and
aseismic slip modeling. (a) A vertical planar fault is embedded in the middle
of a homogenous, isotropic half-space with a free surface at z = 0. Fault
behavior is controlled by the rate-and-state friction law. A periodic boundary
condition is applied in y direction. (b) The velocity-weakening (VW) region
(dark and light blue) is located within a transition zone (white), outside of
which is the velocity-strengthening (VS) region (gray). In y and z directions,
the frictional domain and VW region are (L2, L3) and (l, w), respectively. An
initial nucleation zone (dark blue square with a width of w) is designed at the
left end of the VW region.
Description: The BP5 benchmark is first simulated with a reference model size of 96 km (L1) × 100 km (L2) × 30 km
(L3) by 128 × 64 × 64 quadrilateral bilinear elements. Results from the SEAS code comparison platform (https:// with the mesh resolution of 1000 m are selected for comparison in this study (Table 2).
The stress at a depth of 10 km in the middle point along the fault strike (y = 0) and the maximum slip rate along
the entire fault are tracked for comparison (Figure 5). 0.1 m/s is taken as a threshold of fault slip rate to mark
the earthquake initiation.
Associated Publication Error fetching metadata with application/ld+json from org/10.1029/2023GC010872: 406 Client Error: Not Acceptable for url: Software Framework DOI/URI metadata record succesfully extracted in json-ld format Software Repository Warning: no repository URL provided. Submitter ORCID metadata record succesfully extracted in json-ld format
Model creators
ORCID metadata record succesfully extracted in json-ld format
ORCID metadata record succesfully extracted in json-ld format
ORCID metadata record succesfully extracted in json-ld format
ORCID metadata record succesfully extracted in json-ld format
Could not parse Embargo date. Check format is
Model code/inputs DOI
404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
Model code/inputs notes
Warning: No notes provided.
Data creators
ORCID metadata record succesfully extracted in json-ld format
ORCID metadata record succesfully extracted in json-ld format
ORCID metadata record succesfully extracted in json-ld format
ORCID metadata record succesfully extracted in json-ld format
Model output DOI
Warning: No DOI/URI provided.
Model data notes
Warning: No notes provided.
Computer URI/DOI
Warning: No URI/DOI provided.
Warning: No animation uploaded.
Graphic abstract Warning: No image uploaded.
team has approved the model, we will create a repository for your model A review of this submission has been requested from @ModelAtlasofTheEarth/model_reviewers
Model repository created at
Model repository created at
-> submitter ORCID (or name)
-> slug
-> license
-> alternative license URL
No response
-> model category
model published in study, community benchmark, forward model
-> model status
-> associated publication DOI
https://doi. org/10.1029/2023GC010872
-> model creators
Haibin Yang, 0000-0002-8628-3704 Louis Moresi, 0000-0003-3685-174X Huihui Weng, 0000-0002-2936-2342 Julian Giordani, 0000-0003-4515-9296
-> title
Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Cycles Based On Navier-Stokes Equations With Viscoelastic-Plasticity Rheology
-> description
The numerical modeling method for long-term tectonic deformations averages out the co-seismic fault displacement into thousands to tens of thousands of years, and neglects near-fault damages of earthquakes; therefore, it may not be able to decipher fault activities in detail. Software simulating earthquake rupture dynamics may not have a good estimation of background stress due to longterm tectonic deformations. In this study, we develop a numerical framework that embeds earthquake rupture dynamics into a long-term tectonic deformation model by adding inertial terms and using highly adaptive time-stepping that can capture deformation at plate-motion rates as well as individual earthquakes. The inertia term, which is neglected in long-term large-scale modeling methods, is considered to simulate the dynamic rupture processes. The rate-and-state frictional relationship for co-seismic fault slip is implemented in viscoelastic-plastic earth. Benchmarks of viscous flow, viscoelastic wave propagation and earthquake cycle simulations are tested. Based on these benchmarks, we undertake a generic study of a thrust fault in crust. We find that lower crustal rheology affects the periodic time of characteristic large earthquake cycles and the inter-seismic free surface movement. Cratons with a relatively strong lower crust due to lower temperature remain two peaks in surface uplift profiles around the fault zone for thousands of years after one characteristic earthquake, which help identify active faults in cratons.
-> abstract
Visco-elastic-plastic modeling approaches for long-term tectonic deformation assume that co-seismic fault displacement can be integrated over 1000s–10,000s years (tens of earthquake cycles) with the appropriate failure law, and that short-timescale fluctuations in the stress field due to individual earthquakes have no effect on long-term behavior. Models of the earthquake rupture process generally assume that the tectonic (long-range) stress field or kinematic boundary conditions are steady over the course of multiple earthquake cycles. This study is aimed to fill the gap between long-term and short-term deformations by modeling earthquake cycles with the rate-and-state frictional (RSF) relationship in Navier-Stokes equations. We reproduce benchmarks at the earthquake timescale to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. We then discuss how these high-resolution models degrade if the time-step cannot capture the rupture process accurately and, from this, infer when it is important to consider coupling of the two timescales and the level of accuracy required. To build upon these benchmarks, we undertake a generic study of a thrust fault in the crust with a prescribed geometry. It is found that lower crustal rheology affects the periodic time of characteristic earthquake cycles and the inter-seismic, free-surface deformation rate. In particular, the relaxation of the surface of a cratonic region (with a relatively strong lower crust) has a characteristic double-peaked uplift profile that persists for thousands of years after a major slip event. This pattern might be diagnostic of active faults in cratonic regions.
-> scientific keywords
Earthquake Cycles, Navier-Stokes, Viscoelastic-Plasticity, Cratonic Earthquakes
-> funder, #42030306
-> model embargo?
No response
-> include model code ?
-> model code/inputs DOI zenodo.8251145
-> model code/inputs notes
No response
-> include model output data?
-> data creators
Haibin Yang, 0000-0002-8628-3704 Louis Moresi, 0000-0003-3685-174X Huihui Weng, 0000-0002-2936-2342 Julian Giordani, 0000-0003-4515-9296
-> model output data DOI
No response
-> model output data notes
No response
-> model output data size
-> software framework DOI/URI
-> software framework source repository
No response
-> name of primary software framework (e.g. Underworld, ASPECT, Badlands, OpenFOAM)
-> software framework authors
No response
-> software & algorithm keywords
Python, Finite element, Particle-in-cell
-> computer URI/DOI
No response
-> add landing page image and caption
Figure 5. Evolution of the stress at the reference point (0, 0, −10 km) (a), maximum slip rate along the entire fault zone (b) and the adaptive time step used in simulation (c) for the reference model.
-> add an animation (if relevant)
No response
-> add a graphic abstract figure (if relevant)
No response
-> add a model setup figure (if relevant)
Figure 4. The benchmark model BP5 for 3D sequence of earthquakes and aseismic slip modeling. (a) A vertical planar fault is embedded in the middle of a homogenous, isotropic half-space with a free surface at z = 0. Fault behavior is controlled by the rate-and-state friction law. A periodic boundary condition is applied in y direction. (b) The velocity-weakening (VW) region (dark and light blue) is located within a transition zone (white), outside of which is the velocity-strengthening (VS) region (gray). In y and z directions, the frictional domain and VW region are (L2, L3) and (l, w), respectively. An initial nucleation zone (dark blue square with a width of w) is designed at the left end of the VW region.
-> add a description of your model setup
The BP5 benchmark is first simulated with a reference model size of 96 km (L1) × 100 km (L2) × 30 km (L3) by 128 × 64 × 64 quadrilateral bilinear elements. Results from the SEAS code comparison platform (https:// with the mesh resolution of 1000 m are selected for comparison in this study (Table 2). The stress at a depth of 10 km in the middle point along the fault strike (y = 0) and the maximum slip rate along the entire fault are tracked for comparison (Figure 5). 0.1 m/s is taken as a threshold of fault slip rate to mark the earthquake initiation.
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