ModelAtlasofTheEarth / website

website for Model Atlas of the Earth
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Change authors to follow Dataset/Creative works #45

Open dansand opened 6 months ago

dansand commented 6 months ago

What defines is:

author/creator: primary creators of a creative work contributor: secondary creator of a creative work

For the purposes of model submission, I have add a field called "submitter", simply to denoting the person who created the M@TE model repository, via the github form (who may or may not be a creator / contributor).

The way I envisage this to works is:

Wherever we show a preview of a model with a little box ( home page,, page, instead of "submitted by" we should use "created by" and then include the list of creators. However, we may need to check and if the number of creators is larger than say, 5, maybe add just the first creator, and then a dot-dot-dot or an et al.,

On the actual model page, in the overview tab, instead of "authors" and "uploaded by", we can have "creators", "contributors" and "submitted by".

I'll create a branch that has the files with the uodated format (i.e. submitter, creator, contributor)