ModelOriented / randomForestExplainer

A set of tools to understand what is happening inside a Random Forest
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`explain_forest` errors, doesn't produce HTML document #27

Open bedwards-mango opened 2 years ago

bedwards-mango commented 2 years ago

Firstly, thank you for this package.

I've discovered a couple of issues.

Using the example from the docs as a reprex:

forest <- randomForest::randomForest(Species ~ ., data = iris, localImp = TRUE)
explain_forest(forest, interactions = TRUE)

For me this produces the error Error in file(con, "w") : cannot open the connection. I'm using randomForestExplainer_0.10.1. Six images are produced in Your_forest_explained_files/figure-html but not an HTML file.

Additionally, when setting the path parameter:

Any resolve to these issues would be greatly appreciated.