Open devoid opened 12 years ago
The issue is that some functions will only run with cplex.
I now know how this works, via @cshenry's use of parameter files, however, as he knows which functions can use which LP solver, its pretty much fixed and probably shouldn't be touched.
I was hoping to switch solver to see if I got a similar error, which I tried for fba-checkgrowth. However, both gave very different error outputs. For the future, it'd be good to somehow corral the output of both solvers into some general for ModelSEED users, where they see they get the same problem regardless.
And by 'same problem' I mean same buggy model. If a user's model is incorrect, then there probably should be better model checking before using the solvers.
@samseaver requested a way to tell the ModelSeed installation (mainly the MFAToolkit) to only use a specific solver. I'm not sure if this is possible. @cshenry ?