ModelSEED / Model-SEED-core

The Model SEED is a tool for building, curating, and analyzing gonome-scale metabolic models. Visit the Model SEED homepage for installation instructions and full feature documentation.
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printed media file is not recognized by mdl-loadmedia #83

Closed samseaver closed 12 years ago

samseaver commented 13 years ago

As far as I can tell from the code, the media file needed to load needs these headers:

VarName VarType VarCompartment Min Max

whilst the media file I generated using mdl-printmedia only printed the maxFlux column, and didn't even call the header maxFlux.

I can manually generate a media file that fits the requirements, but I'm curious about the headers.

samseaver commented 12 years ago

I was recently able to print, edit, and load media, so I no longer have an issue with this.