ModelSEED / ModelSEED-UI

ModelSEED UI (beta)
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Additional IDs for biochemistry #29

Closed jplfaria closed 5 years ago

jplfaria commented 8 years ago

I was showing the new website to a couple of people at COBRA and by looking at the biochemistry page I was asked if we had KEGG IDs and E.C. numbers as those were available in old ModelSEED.

@cshenry are we planning to add these back?

nconrad commented 8 years ago

Yes, we need to add this. I technically could do this now, but was hoping this issue would be resolved:

janakagithub commented 8 years ago

Reiterating on Jose's point, many users (including us) who look at our Biochemistry data would want to see mapping EC, SEED functional roles, KEGG, MetaCyc ids. Old modelSEED site users expect minimally to see same Biochemistry information in the new site.

jplfaria commented 8 years ago

It's also important to show some of that information/IDs in the model reactions tab. We don't want users to go back and forward between the My Models and Biochemistry tab, to check that information/IDs for the reactions on their model(s).

We should discuss this better regarding what we want to display, but as Janaka said, having the same info as the old ModelSEED would be a great start.

amikaili commented 6 years ago

New MODELSEED-UI production code has been released, and tagged 'v2.0', in the 'master' branch. GitHub is no longer used for bug tracking, though. Please send an email to, with the subject MODELSEED-43. The email server will post the email as a comment to the MODELSEED-43 ticket, in Jira.

samseaver commented 5 years ago

This is now resolved