ModelSEED / ModelSEEDDatabase

This repository contains the definitive copy of the biochemistry and metadata used to construct models using the ModelSEED/ProbAnno approach
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Is "Biomass_biomass" compound similar to "Biomass" compound? #63

Open smoretti opened 6 years ago

smoretti commented 6 years ago

Hi I wonder if "Biomass_biomass" cpd29751 compound and "Biomass" cpd11416 compound are similar?

samseaver commented 6 years ago

There's only one biomass compound that is used by the ModelSEED infrastructure, any others are artefacts of merging other published models and in turn, should be merged with the parent biomass compound, which is cpd11416.

Will leave this issue open until we finish the merger. Thanks for pointing it out. Sam