ModelSEED / ModelSEEDDatabase

This repository contains the definitive copy of the biochemistry and metadata used to construct models using the ModelSEED/ProbAnno approach
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General SBML unit question about second multiplier #64

Open smoretti opened 6 years ago

smoretti commented 6 years ago


I have a general SBML question about unit tag and the value of multiplier for second. Most models use mmol_per_gDW_per_hr, they define mole, gram, and second. They all use exponent="-1" for second because this is "per hour". But they do not use the same value for multiplier, to go from second to hour.

For BiGG models and some others, the multiplier value is 3600. For SEED and BioCyc models, the multiplier value is 1/3600.

What is the right value for second in mmol_per_gDW_per_hr ? The SBML documentation about that is poor.

smoretti commented 6 years ago

I posted the same question as a BiGG github issue.

The discussion is available here: