Closed RedHandLM closed 2 years ago
基于UP量化YOLOX,QAT训练成功,精度无下降,但是在deploy到tengine的时候出现多个问题, 1:miss key, 缺少量化节点
2:fake_quantize_per_tensor_affine() received an invalid combination of arguments 导出onnx时出现参数不对应的情况,以下为报错日志 deploy_tengine_error.txt
环境: env: Ubuntu 20.04 RTX3060TI CUDA: 11.4 Name: torch Version: 1.10.0+cu111 Name: MQBench Version: 0.0.6 onnx 1.7.0
替换文件解决, 插入了错误的节点,需要进行过滤 tengine_u8_quantizer.txt
基于UP量化YOLOX,QAT训练成功,精度无下降,但是在deploy到tengine的时候出现多个问题, 1:miss key, 缺少量化节点
2:fake_quantize_per_tensor_affine() received an invalid combination of arguments 导出onnx时出现参数不对应的情况,以下为报错日志 deploy_tengine_error.txt
环境: env: Ubuntu 20.04 RTX3060TI CUDA: 11.4 Name: torch Version: 1.10.0+cu111 Name: MQBench Version: 0.0.6 onnx 1.7.0