ModellingWebLab / WebLab

Django-based front-end for the modelling Web Lab v2
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Figure out best way to handle RDF #13

Open jonc125 opened 7 years ago

jonc125 commented 7 years ago

For metadata, it'd be nice to handle this properly as RDF and support RDF querying methods, rather than hacking in support as with the prototype (model metadata just as RDF/XML within the files; protocol metadata as URIs in the DB).

Possibly we need to run a proper triplestore as well as Django's postgres DB?

RDFlib may be the best library for accessing & processing.

Need to investigate further!

Some initial links:

MichaelClerx commented 7 years ago

I like the idea of being able to relate any two things that have a url!

MichaelClerx commented 6 years ago

Are we still hoping to use the same standard as eventually adopted by COMBINE?

jonc125 commented 6 years ago

Yes, at least for how annotations are associated with models in files. Whether this extends to use of particular ontologies...