ModellingWebLab / WebLab

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Experiments that should be grey for missing metadata terms are coming up red now #404

Open mirams opened 2 years ago

mirams commented 2 years ago

e.g. this one


became this on re-running the experiment (and changes from grey to red in the matrix accordingly):


with an error like this in the std::out:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/celery/eclipse/workspace/Chaste/python/pycml/", line 55, in <module>
  File "/home/celery/eclipse/workspace/Chaste/python/pycml/", line 6789, in run
    protocol.apply_protocol_file(doc, options.protocol)
  File "/home/celery/eclipse/workspace/Chaste/python/pycml/", line 1507, in apply_protocol_file
    Protocol.apply_protocol_file(doc, proto_file_path)
  File "/home/celery/eclipse/workspace/Chaste/python/pycml/", line 91, in apply_protocol_file
  File "/home/celery/eclipse/workspace/Chaste/python/pycml/", line 593, in modify_model
    self._check_equation_lhs(input) # Create LHS var if needed
  File "/home/celery/eclipse/workspace/Chaste/python/pycml/", line 681, in _check_equation_lhs
    raise ProtocolError("Variable %s on the LHS of a 'define' does not exist in the model and is not an output with units or optional." % vname)
protocol.ProtocolError: Variable oxmeta:membrane_fast_transient_outward_current_conductance on the LHS of a 'define' does not exist in the model and is not an output with units or optional.
/home/celery/eclipse/workspace/Chaste/python/pycml/ /home/celery/eclipse/workspace/Chaste/projects/FunctionalCuration/dynamic/tmp_32943_1648035196/ohara_rudy_cipa_v1_2017.cellml -A -p --expose-annotated-variables --protocol=/tmp/fc_webservice_testoutput/ProtocolConverter/tmp3TBoPS.xml --conf=/home/celery/eclipse/workspace/Chaste/python/pycml/config.xml --use-chaste-stimulus --convert-interfaces --warn-on-unit-conversions --Wu --conf=/tmp/tmpEspvz0.xml -y -t CVODE -c Dynamicohara_rudy_cipa_v1_2017FromCellMLCvode -o /home/celery/eclipse/workspace/Chaste/projects/FunctionalCuration/build/optimised/dynamic/tmp_32943_1648035196/ohara_rudy_cipa_v1_2017.cpp
scons: *** [projects/FunctionalCuration/build/optimised/dynamic/tmp_32943_1648035196/ohara_rudy_cipa_v1_2017.cpp] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

we did discuss this at some point but I couldn't find an issue so started a new one. @jonc125 @MauriceHendrix @MichaelClerx does anyone know what change caused this?

MauriceHendrix commented 2 years ago

I don't really know anything about this, but I do know I haven't tocuhed this part of the system

mirams commented 2 years ago

I think you are probably right Maurice, this one has been going on for a few months, most of the red ones that should be grey were run in October 2021, so if you didn't change anything before then you are off the hook!

jonc125 commented 2 years ago

I suspect this originates from when we switched from pycml to weblab-fc for determining compatibility…

mirams commented 2 years ago

Did it ever work then Jon? Or was it put in broken!? Because I don't think anything shows up grey now