ModernColdWar / RedStormRising

Red Storm Rising
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Improve base capture - (3) Change logistics centre building coalition to neutral, and all dependencies of logistics centre being side associated #126

Closed madrabbit711 closed 4 years ago

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

Part of larger Improve base capture radius checks change #123

Current scenario: (C) CC considered part of base defence (ground units..) that needs to be killed for capture.

Possible after #124 and #125

(B) CC ignored for capture but unusable by the new owners.

Problem (C) and (B) Side associated building within 2km of base will prevent rearm/refuel. Need to ensure all missions have CC >2km.


(C) Having a neutral CC 'loyal' to the current owner= tactical decision whether to destroy it or not pre-capture, is currently not possible.


For (B): exclude buildings from #124 RSR radius checks. For (C): make CCs neutral coalition? makes exclusion from RSR checks unnecessary but good to implement anyway

EDIT: Other benefit to (C): CCs can be placed anywhere in relation to 2km zone around FOBS, which increases placement options in difficult location.s

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

Neutral coalition for CCs:

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago
  1. Change CC building coalition to neutral and only loyal to the current owner of that base.
    • Neutral buildings won't prevent rearm/refuel and don't require interception to exclude from baseCaptured DCS eventHandler.
    • Definitely for bases + bunkers (L3 CC)
    • Also for FOBs + Outpost (L2 CC) as limited room for some FOBs and enemy building within 2km will prevent rearm.
    • Not needed for deployable FOBs + Tent as cannot spawn there. But may need to rethink if want deployable helipad later.
madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

Note1: All logistics centres are neutral by DCS and thus do no effect rearm/refuel, even if within 2km radius around FARP helipads or bases for DCS eventHandler.

Note2: However logistics centre will have some record of side assoc. according to RSR for the following. Mechanism still be determined e.g. put current side assoc. in static object name?

Gameplay effects that need discussion (X) All logistics centres are side assoc. by RSR (not DCS - Note1 above). A logistics centre needs to be destroyed by attackers, whether it be at a airbase or FOB, to complete capture.

Somewhat current setup. Makes sense for FOBs. Not sure about airbases.

(Y) All logistics centres are always neutral by RSR (but some record kept for other purposes - Note2 above). A logistics centre is always loyal to the current airbase or FOB owner.

Allows strategic decision whether to kill logistics centre or not pre-attack, opening-up 'strike' roles on server. Does this make sense for FOBs?

(Z) Logistics centres at airbases are neutral and loyal to current owner, but logistics centres at FOBs are only loyal to previous owner and require destruction to capture FOB for spawning.

Hybrid approach and similar to DDCS setup. Logistics centres at bases will be distinct = bunker c.f. logistics centres at FOBs = outposts. May interfere with #130 logistics centre upgrade idea, but not that idea not essential

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

24/01/20: deebix & Fedex = option (X) due to simplicity

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

Further questions on FOB claiming:

(A) Need to destroy current CC + clear radius around FOB of enemy units and have friendly units present, to convert FOB to neutral to subsequently allow capture by building a CC.


(B) Need to destroy current CC + contest radius around FOB with friendly ground units, to convert FOB to neutral to subsequently allow capture by building a CC


(C) Need to destroy current CC, then build your teams CC to claim FOB, regardless of ground unit composition, contest, etc. ala' DDCS style.

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

If (A) or (B), should either or both teams receive notification that FOB has been neutralized?

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

For Airbases: will need friendly unit to set off DCS baseCapture and subsequent checks below

Even with larger RSR radius checks, friendly unit will need to contest centre to set off DCS EH, whichh also makes tactical sense

(D) Need to destroy current CC + clear radius around Airbase of enemy units and have friendly units present, to convert Airbase to teams side and subsequently allow capture.

Friendly CC presence doesn't matter to claim Airbases, only that previous enemy CC is dead and friendly unit is uncontested.

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

RSR TEAM VOTE 28/01/20 for FOBs: (A) Need to destroy current CC + clear radius around FOB of enemy units and have friendly units present, to convert FOB to neutral to subsequently allow capture by building a CC.

Given requirement to completely clear area, message attacking side only upon claiming FOB with CC build, but no messages for defending side to allow for 'sneaky' tactics.

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

Done as part of new baseOwnershipCheck.lua. Needs rigorous testing of all capture conditions.