ModernColdWar / RedStormRising

Red Storm Rising
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Prevent deploying FARP near base (airbase/FOB) areas #139

Closed madrabbit711 closed 4 years ago

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

Will be somewhat fixed by ' Improve base capture - (5) Add repair functionality bases and FOBs #134 ' in that if player is within base area, deploying logistics repair crate will act as "repair" instead.

However we may want to expand upon this and have a larger exclusion zone around bases (slightly smaller for FOBs) to prevent multiple logistics centre within the one area for too easy a repair.


Prevent the ability to take a logistics centre crate from a deployed FARP

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

Done but needs testing:

madrabbit711 commented 4 years ago

Myself, Mobius and Deebix had a discussion about the 'FOB exclusion' and 'FOB spacing rules', currently set to 15km each, in VoIP today. I've summarised the conclusions fd\rom this below for everyone in the team.

The need for these rules during the initial design which was: 1) Prevent multiple FOBs within airbases/FARPs

this silly and looks bad 2) Inability to spawn at FOBs c.f. FARPs and vulnerability for helos during transit also links to allowing all transport helos to take internal crate AND troops (i.e. MANPADS) simultaneously in a recent change 3) FOB building being an outpost which is somewhat camouflaged in towns c.f. bunker building in airbases/FARPs also won't be detected (attacked) by ground units as all static objects are part of the neutral coalition 4) Large advantage to defending team if placed to close to a base given the current capture conditions primarily rely on destruction of the logistics centre VERY IMPORTANT especially if we are also doubling base defences 5) Detection of a player within a airbase/FARP zone that initiates a "repair" c.f. a FOB deployment currently 5km for airbases, 3km for FARPs 6) 5km zone around all airbases for base defence activation in absence of proper resupply mechanism with dynamic spawning Less of a problem now that I've introduced a check on the groupName as well as the proximity


=== My thoughts were that FOBs allow assault from the flanks c.f. the direct approach from one FARP/airbase to another. I've also tried to look at this from the ethos on the serverr of "less time travelling/slinging and more time flying + fighting" e.g. cheap crate costs. Also need to plan for 20 vs 20 c.f. current numbers, and the eventual transition to the "Cities" feature.

However Mobius quite rightfully said that FOB differentiate the server and are fun to use, even for some players defensively c.f. building under a FARP/airbase and just send the units to the planned FOb location. The numerous FARPs also make FOBs a lot less attractive to use.

As such we've decided to change the following for now: A) Reduce the FOB exclusion zone from 15km to 10km B) Reduce the FOB spacing from 15km to 10km C) Remove the ability to get Logistic Centre repair crates from FOBs

(A) and (B) are easy. (C) will take a bit more work.

Deebix was worried about (C) but I've reminded him that we have cargo planes at every base now and that FOBs don't persist post restart anyway.