ModernRonin / ProjectRenamer

Conveniently rename your csproj files
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Renameproject should report errors caused by locked files or folders in a manner understandable by the user #33

Open nikriaz opened 3 years ago

nikriaz commented 3 years ago

Get message "Do you want to continue with the rename operation? [Enter=Yes, any other key=No]" at renameproject. Nothing happens then, PMC got unresponsive, tried to wait few minutes. Need to restart VS to back to be operational. VS 2019, ver. 16.9.6 - latest as of today.

Also, would be really great to have the utility as VS extension instead of package. We really need it :)

ModernRonin commented 3 years ago

re getting stuck: I need more info.

However, VS should notice only if files were changed - which is odd because you are saying there is no further output after you press on the prompt. I would try and have VS closed while running renamer. Or just make sure no instance has the solution or projects within open.

re VS extension: I'm afraid that's too far out-of-scope for me, sorry

ghhv commented 3 years ago

FYI - I can confirm this gets 'stuck' when running from package manager console. Stuck meaning it never does the next step Analyzing references in your projects - depending on the number of projects this can take a bit... after hitting Enter=yes. No keys seem to work. You can abort by pressing the X (cancel) in PM console title bar which returns the message The pipeline has been stopped.

I had better progress from Developer Powershell (on Windows) but still failed as in my case it doesn't seem to like relative folders in project references?

UPDATE: my failure was occurring because I had the project folder open in a separate Explorer window which was 'locking' the folder rename.

nikriaz commented 3 years ago

Yes, right. The reason why renamer got stuck is file locking. It was unclear what was keeping them locked. The same applies to the ProjectRenamer itself - I was unable to remove it with uninstall command. Finally accomplished removal by rebooting machine and renamed my project manually.

May be you can add a check if some files are locked and display a warning to a user.

ModernRonin commented 3 years ago

Interesting, I never thought of people using the package manager console because I personally use a Windows Terminal configured with PowerShell.Core.

Anyway, @nikriaz proposal to check for locking makes sense and I'll add that when I got a little time.