Modernizr / Modernizr

Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser.
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Release Modernizr 1.6 #103

Closed paulirish closed 13 years ago

paulirish commented 13 years ago

1.6 changelog

new features:

paulirish commented 13 years ago

touch status is here i'll probably add in firefox multitouch support before its done.

we went from 11.04KB (5.04KB gzipped) to 9.06KB (3.67KB gzipped)

paulirish commented 13 years ago

web sql database.

it's annoying. so we have to try out it forreal because otherwise its a false positive in chrome incognito.

but that has two side effects

should we remove web sql test?

so far, twitter had a problem with the Firefox session/localStorage ... but didn't complain about web sql... soooo.. shrug.

SlexAxton commented 13 years ago

I'd be in favor of fixing the web sql test for chrome incognito, but also in favor of pulling it out into an optional test. It's just too much cruft for such an uncommon test. Perhaps a build tool would help with this, but until then, I think pulling it out may be best.

paulirish commented 13 years ago

yeah websql is out of favor in place of indexeddb.. but indexeddb is still not ready and prefixed implementations are only just landing like.. this week.. in ff and webkit. so it'll be a bit.. but who knows.

right now i'm leaning towards getting rid of it. (or just commenting out the incognito fix and documenting that shit)

also adding textshadow might be a good idea. it was in css2.0 but out of 2.1.. which is why its sorta new in css3 (same thing with @font-face)

KuraFire commented 13 years ago

I'm okay with commenting out the incognito fix and documenting this issue. Web databases (the lot of them) are in so much flux right now, I think that we're better off trying to cause as little impact as possible whilst the situation continues to be volatile. Thus, avoiding having to physically create a database and letting that linger in the user's browser, for each domain. Does that sound okay?

Text shadow was taken out originally because it had false positives in Firefox… 3, I think. Whichever version was still widely used at that time. I think by now we could put it back in, but with a warning/comment about it, and also documenting that there are some browsers it false-positives on.

KuraFire commented 13 years ago

Oh, I forgot the elephant in the room. Touch.

Am I missing a simpler delta in the touch test page results? It seems to me that the only way we can reliably claim touch support is to execute all four tests and map it out. And even then we can't identify the Palm Pre/WebOS touch devices because [per 1.4] it doesn't support any touch events.

Mind you, who knew that Safari 3.1.2, 4.0 and 4.0.4 would add to our list of issues with reliably detecting this. That kind of really sucks.

KuraFire commented 13 years ago

Returning to the subject of text-shadow: I knew I forgot something, but couldn't remember what. We placed the text-shadow test in the Docs as sample for the addTest() API, and explained with a comment in the docs that it false-positives. I'm okay with moving it into the main library as long as we keep that comment in there, but if we do that we should also mention the false positive in the 1.6 release notes.

paulirish commented 13 years ago

websqldatabase now is back to the chrome incognito false positive, but we're not creating databases. in 2.0 when people include these tests by choice, we should flick back on the db creation.

i've finalized the rest of the code and tweeted to get some beta testers:

paulirish commented 13 years ago

IE print protector has been updated. some extra unit tests.

f1lt3r said the multitouch test didnt pass on his FF4 multitouch device.. i'm going to have him look into that.

paulirish commented 13 years ago

touch is all set.

modernizr 1.6 is ready.

SlexAxton commented 13 years ago


KuraFire commented 13 years ago is out, this issue is now done.