MoebiusTech / Stm32f103rct6

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Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice #1

Open androiddrew opened 3 years ago

androiddrew commented 3 years ago

I just recently purchased the MoebiusTech Stm32f103rct6 board from aliexpress for my omni wheel frame(same brand). I am looking for documentation on getting started with this board and at least a here would be a nice addition..

400badRequest commented 3 years ago

Same problem here. I just can't get it to work.

danidask commented 3 years ago

Same here. Very happy after seen the schematics because its exactly what we were looking for. But can you please document what toolkit did you use to develop the code so we can compile it? Also I recommend you to upload the the project itself to the repo, instead a zip file, so people like us can contribute finding bugs and improving the code.

MoebiusTech commented 3 years ago

Hello, we use "keil 5", you can go to the official website of stm32 to download the keil compiler

From: DasK Date: 2020-11-22 21:08 To: MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6 CC: Subscribed Subject: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1) Same here. Very happy after seen the schematics because its exactly what we were looking for. But can you please document what toolkit did you use to develop the code so we can compile it? Also I recommend you to upload the the project itself to the repo, instead a zip file, so people like us can contribute finding bugs and improving the code. — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

danidask commented 3 years ago

Ok, I did but sadly the code size is bigger than 32000 bytes, so it can't be compiled with the free version, and I not willing to buy a licence. So please can you include the .hex in the repo, so we can upload it with an ST-Link? Anyway, as far as I can see there is only a basic control with the PS2 controller or serial over bluetooth. No ROS compatible code or odometry calculation yet. Apparently, the bluetooth commands included in control.c are: case 'A': Move_X=0; Move_Y+=step; Flag_Move=1; break; case 'B': Move_X+=step; Move_Y+=step; Flag_Move=1; break; case 'C': Move_X+=step; Move_Y=0; Flag_Move=1; break; case 'D': Move_X+=step; Move_Y-=step; Flag_Move=1; break; case 'E': Move_X=0; Move_Y-=step; Flag_Move=1; break; case 'F': Move_X-=step; Move_Y-=step; Flag_Move=1; break; case 'G': Move_X-=step; Move_Y=0; Flag_Move=1; break; case 'H': Move_X-=step; Move_Y+=step; Flag_Move=1; break; case 'Z': Move_X = 0; Move_Y=0; Move_Z=0; break; case 'L': RC_Velocity = 30; break; case 'M': RC_Velocity = 10; break;
case 'b': Move_Z-=step; Gyro_Bias = Yaw; break; case 'd': Move_Z+=step; Gyro_Bias = Yaw; break; (didn't test because I didn't receive the board yet)

FrankyForkFingerz commented 3 years ago

Hi guys,

nice to see that even more people are getting involved with the board. There is already software on the board when it is shipped, and if you plug in a PSX controller you can control the board with it. I'm looking for a way to control the board via spi or i2c but I haven't found anything yet, maybe you see something.

I also think that the software is not the one that comes with the board because there is nothing in the main routine except speed. And I am afraid that if you download the provided software it will not work anymore

Under the "case" selections there should be something like in the speed setting.

The schematic is not 100% of the board's, e.g. there is no 8 pin connector (J3) on the whole board as shown, even if you leave out 2 pins the order does not fit.

Can anyone see where and how to connect the display?

@dani: you can activate a test license for keil and if you do it in a virtual machine you can reset it. Do you received your board now?

All in all more question marks than answers.

danielespitiacol commented 3 years ago

Hi, I bought the board and I have some questions.

Thank you

mattkanwisher commented 3 years ago

Where do you see in the code it supports this playstation controller? is there any way to just do this from the console?

juvinski commented 2 years ago


anyone has tried the imu calibration ? I'm having wierd values and trying to map, the things are bad - the hector of gmapping is not detecting thanges in the orientation of the robot - so I decided to check and then found this imu calibration. the orignal file : SM:

Mine after calibration: bias:

lunanueva commented 2 years ago

Please if you can coonect this board using stlink. Please inform me how you have achieved it. Thanks

juvinski commented 2 years ago

Hi @lunanueva

have you search on the OBJ folder of the project? There is a Moebius.hex on the 1.0.4 file and STM_ROS_MasterKinect.hex on the STM32_Ros_master_melodic-lib.7z file.

lunanueva commented 2 years ago

HI juvinski. Many Thanks for your answer. I have already found the hex file as you mentioned but I cannot connect the board with the StCubeProgrammer using stlink v2. I always receive the error message "target not found" . I have connected VCC, GND, CLK, DIO from the stlink to the board but it is not running. I have used 3 different stlink and two differents computer and I cannot get to ready- I have installed the driver what is this repository and the original of the ST web. Could you connect the board to StProgrammer to load the hex file ???

juvinski commented 2 years ago

hi @lunanueva, I could flash using the STM32 ST-LINK Utility. I was having trouble with my usb hub, by in the momment I connected direct on the host ubs port everything worked.

lunanueva commented 2 years ago

HI juvinski. Many thanks- Your help is being very useful. The AiExpress shop, where I bougth the board, does not answer to my request

You said that you can connect directly the board to your usb hub so that do you use the micro usb board to connect to your computer USB ???? I tried this way but in my computer does not appear any COM port so that it does not reconize the board. Which driver do you use for this connection ????? Please could you send me the web to download it.

Really very thanks for your help. I had decided to put the board in a drawer and now I have some hope with your help

juvinski commented 2 years ago

hi @lunanueva ,

No. My ST-link adapter was connected to a usb hub. when connected the st-link adapter to a my computer's usb port and then stlink connected to the moebius board then I could transfer the files. Have you had tested the STM32-ST-Link software instead the cube ? Yes, I sent messages to the Moebius store where I bought the board and no answer. The messages is readed but no reply. I'm facing problems with the IMU.

lunanueva commented 2 years ago

HI juvinski.

I have transfer file using ST LINK Cube Porgrammer with the option UART and I have installed ch340 driver, I read that this board uses CH340 as TTL UART USB interface.

Using STM32-ST link software and connecting St-link to USB port and Moebius board to stlink VCC, HND, CLK, DIO pins does not run. Always the same error "target not found". I supose that is a driver problem. For Windows10, it is advisable use Windows driver but it does not work for me.

Many thanks for your help. I have managed to use this board again when I have forgotten it but as you said that it was possible to conecct by USB directly, I doing research to use USB and I would load files although I couldnot use stlink

If you come to Madrid, please let me know and we`ll have a few beers.

I usually use Arduino and Raspberry and I have a little experience with stm32 micro but I have tried to learn with other board stm32 nucleo. As in this respository there are software to control motor DC, serial connection etc. Can I use this software and add other funcionality as UART conection with raspberry ?
I have usually used stm32cubeide software but in other post Moebius answered that they use Keil 5.0.

juvinski commented 2 years ago

hi @lunanueva ,

did you board blink any led ? When you connect the board to a raspberry, the linux detect the board as usb device ? I don't know much about this stm board, but sometimes to flash - at least stm drone controller boards (like spfracing, mamba, etc) you had to sometimes put the board in boot/dfu mode, maybe a try can be helpfull.

Btw, how I was suspecting the IMU is not publishing anything, so I will revise the firmware but I already open a dispute in the aliexpress.

juvinski commented 2 years ago

I found something regarding the IMU. On 1.0.3 code, the IMU declaration is under i2c1, but after look the documents of the stm processor, the imu is connected to i2c2, after changing this bus, the IMU starting to work. Now I'm facing a bad orientation - generating the map, there is a misalignment between the vehicle and the map - when I go forward, the image of the laser is like the side view, and when I command a forward movement, the map is updated as the robot moving sideways.

lunanueva commented 2 years ago

HI juvinski.

In my board blinks a red and blue led when I connect power by microUSB or directly by jack with 12 V. My st-link v2 is, the original, and only provides 1,67 V through SWD pins. I have tried power the board by the jack and it connect with st-link by SWD pins but it is not work.

When I connect the board to raspberry, the linux detect the board.

How can I put the board in boot/dfu mode ?????

How have you connected your board to St-link ?? You use SWD pins (4 pins)

When you connect your board to st-link and the stlink to USB hub, in your computer are there any COM port ????? (in the device management using Windows) . I dont know if you use Windows, Linux o Mac

Have you load any driver to the moebius board ???

Many thanks

juvinski commented 2 years ago

hi @lunanueva ,

if the led is blinking, this means there are a software running on the board- mine the led was not blinking, so this is why I load the software on the board. What you can do to check is run on your raspberry: 1 check if the is screen software is installed, if not install it - sudo apt-get install screen 2 run screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 With that, raspberry will show any serial message from the connection between your board and your raspberry. If there are messages like - Left something, this means your board are working. If is something like PSXXX the loaded software is the Playstation controller. If not happens, check the bringup.launch command and check what is the serial board on the configuration and if os wrong, change to yours and run bringup.launch.

ksirirux commented 2 years ago

Is the Ros version support? I use ros melodic but when in run $ rosrun rosserial_python _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=115200 terminal show Unable to sync with device; possible link problem or link software version mismatch such as hydro rosserial_python with groovy Arduino

can you suggest me pls?

juvinski commented 2 years ago

hi @ksirirux ,

are you running the image provided or installed your own? Your error is, or the board doesn't have the firmware, or the USB port is other. If I not wrong, using the image provide of ubuntu mate, the board when connected to raspi3 will generate a symlink on /dev/mbaserobot or mbase something, and other for lidar. Try disconnect the usb on your raspberry, then connect again and check the dmesg command to check if correct usb port.

ksirirux commented 2 years ago

software for stm Ros download from this link : In the folder STM32_Ros_master_melodic-lib\bsp\stm32\stm32f103-atk-nano\build\keil\Obj\STM32_ROS_Master_kintic.hex

juvinski commented 2 years ago


but what version of ros are you using? and have you checked the tty devices - disconnect lidar, disconnect controller, connect the controller and check what device will be detected by linux.

ksirirux commented 2 years ago

Hi juvinki now it work fine. I recieve msg from stm32 but imu is not work when I rotate the robot imu value is not change. How can I config motor parameter. I use 12v 35rpm motor odometry is not correct.

juvinski commented 2 years ago

hi @ksirirux ,

what version of the firmware are you using in your board ? Mine changed the i2c from 1 to 2 and then I could use the IMU.

lunanueva commented 2 years ago

I found something regarding the IMU. On 1.0.3 code, the IMU declaration is under i2c1, but after look the documents of the stm processor, the imu is connected to i2c2, after changing this bus, the IMU starting to work. Now I'm facing a bad orientation - generating the map, there is a misalignment between the vehicle and the map - when I go forward, the image of the laser is like the side view, and when I command a forward movement, the map is updated as the robot moving sideways.

Hi juvinski.

Now that I have more free time, I have back to the st32 moebius board. As you said, the IMU declaration is under i2c1 and tjetechnical diagram show i2c2. I think the wrong definition is in the file applications/config. h (line 91) (ROS STm32 proyect) but I have not license fot keil compiler (only not commercial) and I cannot compile big proyects. Please Could you send me the hex file after change i2c2. If it is possible my mail is aguacristalina999@hotmail,.com Thanks

ksirirux commented 2 years ago

I found something regarding the IMU. On 1.0.3 code, the IMU declaration is under i2c1, but after look the documents of the stm processor, the imu is connected to i2c2, after changing this bus, the IMU starting to work. Now I'm facing a bad orientation - generating the map, there is a misalignment between the vehicle and the map - when I go forward, the image of the laser is like the side view, and when I command a forward movement, the map is updated as the robot moving sideways.

Hi juvinski.

Now that I have more free time, I have back to the st32 moebius board. As you said, the IMU declaration is under i2c1 and tjetechnical diagram show i2c2. I think the wrong definition is in the file applications/config. h (line 91) (ROS STm32 proyect) but I have not license fot keil compiler (only not commercial) and I cannot compile big proyects. Please Could you send me the hex file after change i2c2. If it is possible my mail is aguacristalina999@hotmail,.com Thanks

Hi juvinski may i help you? please send your config.h to me I'll complile and send hex to you... my email :

juvinski commented 2 years ago

I found something regarding the IMU. On 1.0.3 code, the IMU declaration is under i2c1, but after look the documents of the stm processor, the imu is connected to i2c2, after changing this bus, the IMU starting to work. Now I'm facing a bad orientation - generating the map, there is a misalignment between the vehicle and the map - when I go forward, the image of the laser is like the side view, and when I command a forward movement, the map is updated as the robot moving sideways.

Hi juvinski.

Now that I have more free time, I have back to the st32 moebius board. As you said, the IMU declaration is under i2c1 and tjetechnical diagram show i2c2. I think the wrong definition is in the file applications/config. h (line 91) (ROS STm32 proyect) but I have not license fot keil compiler (only not commercial) and I cannot compile big proyects. Please Could you send me the hex file after change i2c2. If it is possible my mail is aguacristalina999@hotmail,.com Thanks

hi @lunanueva , I published/created a git repository with my firmware - source and bin - with some modifications: 1) Pid adjust 2) Correct encoder settings - mine was different of the default value 3) Change I2C for IMU 4) Fixed incorrect led pin

I'm still trying to do this work - I believe I found a problem with my IMU - some time after I put the robot to work I'm loosing IMU reading or having very akward readings. BTW. the repository is

juvinski commented 2 years ago

I found something regarding the IMU. On 1.0.3 code, the IMU declaration is under i2c1, but after look the documents of the stm processor, the imu is connected to i2c2, after changing this bus, the IMU starting to work. Now I'm facing a bad orientation - generating the map, there is a misalignment between the vehicle and the map - when I go forward, the image of the laser is like the side view, and when I command a forward movement, the map is updated as the robot moving sideways.

Hi juvinski. Now that I have more free time, I have back to the st32 moebius board. As you said, the IMU declaration is under i2c1 and tjetechnical diagram show i2c2. I think the wrong definition is in the file applications/config. h (line 91) (ROS STm32 proyect) but I have not license fot keil compiler (only not commercial) and I cannot compile big proyects. Please Could you send me the hex file after change i2c2. If it is possible my mail is aguacristalina999@hotmail,.com Thanks

hi @lunanueva , I published/created a git repository with my firmware - source and bin - with some modifications:

  1. Pid adjust
  2. Correct encoder settings - mine was different of the default value
  3. Change I2C for IMU
  4. Fixed incorrect led pin

I'm still trying to do this work - I believe I found a problem with my IMU - some time after I put the robot to work I'm loosing IMU reading or having very akward readings. BTW. the repository is

hi @ksirirux ,

In true my problem is digging the firmware and trying to put everything working :) thanks.

ksirirux commented 2 years ago

I found something regarding the IMU. On 1.0.3 code, the IMU declaration is under i2c1, but after look the documents of the stm processor, the imu is connected to i2c2, after changing this bus, the IMU starting to work. Now I'm facing a bad orientation - generating the map, there is a misalignment between the vehicle and the map - when I go forward, the image of the laser is like the side view, and when I command a forward movement, the map is updated as the robot moving sideways.

Hi juvinski. Now that I have more free time, I have back to the st32 moebius board. As you said, the IMU declaration is under i2c1 and tjetechnical diagram show i2c2. I think the wrong definition is in the file applications/config. h (line 91) (ROS STm32 proyect) but I have not license fot keil compiler (only not commercial) and I cannot compile big proyects. Please Could you send me the hex file after change i2c2. If it is possible my mail is aguacristalina999@hotmail,.com Thanks

hi @lunanueva , I published/created a git repository with my firmware - source and bin - with some modifications:

  1. Pid adjust
  2. Correct encoder settings - mine was different of the default value
  3. Change I2C for IMU
  4. Fixed incorrect led pin

I'm still trying to do this work - I believe I found a problem with my IMU - some time after I put the robot to work I'm loosing IMU reading or having very akward readings. BTW. the repository is

hi @ksirirux ,

In true my problem is digging the firmware and trying to put everything working :) thanks.

HaHaHa. I from thailand my english is not good. that the first I found IMU problem too. and change to i2c2 it work++


lunanueva commented 2 years ago

Many Thanks juvinski

lunanueva commented 2 years ago

Im doing test with moebius board and ROS

The robot has 4 Omni wheels so that I have seleted ~$MBASE = omni4wd in the bashrc file and uses the rplidar A1 installed in the top following the Moebius document

The calibrate linear was successful but the calibrate angular give me some error the robot does not stop spinning. If I change in the python file the line: error = self.test_angle - turn_angle by error = self.test_angle + turn_angle I can get moreless 360 degree angle spinning

In the Raspberry I have loaded the image from this link: with: Ubuntu 16.4 Mate and ROS Kinetic

The stm32F1 board was charged with juvinski software

I built the map correctly but when The robot navigates with (move base program) continually appears the messages:

dwa_local_planner", "DWA planner failed to produce path. get new path

Although in the map there are not obstacle with RVIZ and in the real word either and never it get the goal except it is very close.

I dont publish the navigation params because there are the same that moebius image. I tried to change some parameters as inflation_radius to 0.1, etc but the problem was not solved

it worKs (the navigation) for someome with ROS Kinectic ??

juvinski commented 2 years ago

hi @lunanueva ,

on the navigate launch have you had errors ? As parameter names or something ? I had some errors related to velocity. Another clue, check on the right panel if the clicks are mapped to the right goal topic - mine was missing and the DWA was not receiving the goal. I still couldn't run everything as expected, then I'm trying to port the linorobot firmware to the moebius board - running with tensy board and l298n as the linorobot I got everything working pretty fine, so I decided to try port the code from linorobot/teensy to stm32 on moebius board - I will keep you update.

lunanueva commented 2 years ago

hi @juvinski Thanks for your answer.

I have not error on the navigate launch. Only when Rviz is launched because my laptop has noetic distro and there are a bug with the robot transformation program. It is a warn because there are two messages with the same time stamp.

DWA receives the goal because when the path is very very short, the robot gets the goal. I think the problem is the odometry. The DWA does not know what is the formard direction. I made the calibration with lineal and angular topic and they were successfull. I tested the laser too and it is OK.

I hope that you can port the linorobot software to moebius board. The linorobot is very well documents not like moebius

juvinski commented 2 years ago

hi @lunanueva , I coudn't get the move_base working, and all about odometry. Some observations, the MPU 6050 on the board is in wrong position - the X and Y axes are inverted. I port the code from linorobot to moebius board, but there are issues - for instance to use interrupts to get the encoder reading on platformio you can have just one interrupt per port number and the moebius board use same pins - motors 2 and 3 if I not wrong share the same PA6 and PA7 and PB6 and PB7 so I used the externals gpio pins to use as interrupts( in my case PB12 and PA4) but there was an issue with the motor controller because the wheels was running with different velocities. Running again the moebius firmware at least the motors and encoders was working fine. The second issue was I coudn't get reading from the internal MPU because the Wire lib and the structure of the linorobot's code was impossible to read data from the second I2C bus. After all that, I give up and make a board with the teensy board with 2 brushed esc - each with 2 motors outputs and running the linorobot code for the serial communication and all other codes from moebius - auto slam, navigation and etcs, I could get finally my robot working.

lunanueva commented 2 years ago

hi @juvinski.

Thanks for your message. I have tried to port the linorobot firmware to Arduino Mega with ln298 motor controllers. It was easy but the result very bad, Sometime the robot was out control.

In the car.cpp file, for the left wheels, the class motors be created with paremeter dir = 1 LF_Wheel->init(pwm_dev,1)

Using a simple example without consider Imu, Encoder,and Pid, if you press "j" character in the teleop twist keyboard program, the robot should rotate into counter clockwise , but that does not happen. Wjen ypu press "j" the cmd_vel parameters are: x = 0 y = 0 angular speed z = -1 = tan_rpm (in Kinematics class)

The Kinematics program is called to fix pwm: To left wheel:
rpm.LF_Wheel = xrpm - yrpm + tanrpm; = 0 - 0 + (-1) = -1 but this class was created with dir 01 so that the result in the motor class is (-1) * (-1) = 1 the wheel goes backwards becasuse in the left, the wheeks rotate counter clockwise (both wheels)

To rigth wheel: rpm.RF_Wheel = xrpm + yrpm - tanrpm; = 0 - 0 - (-1) = 1 this class was created with dir = 0 so that it is not change the movement, The wheel goes forwards because it rotates clockwise.

When the rigth wheels go forrwards abd the lefts backwards always it rotates cloclwise The opposite of those indicated by teleop_twist program. I think it is necesarry change the Kenematics program but my evaluate month for Keil uVision expired and I dont want use crack version.

I am also thinking of buying teensy board with ln298 and and how do you use the moebius software in the raspberry.

HenrikStorli commented 2 years ago

Have someone tried compiling the code in STM32CubeIDE? If so, how did you do it? Many thanks

Moiks92 commented 1 year ago

i need Some documentation like a getting started guide, please coz is my first time with ROS and the board

lunanueva commented 1 year ago


Please download STM32ft103rct6 from Gitbun MoebiusTech (MoebiusTech) · GitHub

This pack contains BSP files that is the firmware to download to STM32 Board Moebius.

The software for STM32 board was developed usign RT THread With Keil Uvision. It is compicated if you are expert,

In the raspberry you have to install Ros Moebius software :

I hope this informqation was valid for you.

Regards Aguacrustalina

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De: @.> Enviado: martes, 6 de septiembre de 2022 21:34 Para: @.> CC: @.>; @.> Asunto: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1)

i need Some documentation like a getting started guide, please coz is my first time with ROS and the board

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Moiks92 commented 1 year ago

I need a manual, do you have one?

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De: @.> Enviado: martes, 6 de septiembre de 2022 05:08 p. m. Para: @.> CC: @.>; @.> Asunto: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1)


Please download STM32ft103rct6 from Gitbun MoebiusTech (MoebiusTech) · GitHub

This pack contains BSP files that is the firmware to download to STM32 Board Moebius.

The software for STM32 board was developed usign RT THread With Keil Uvision. It is compicated if you are expert,

In the raspberry you have to install Ros Moebius software :

I hope this informqation was valid for you.

Regards Aguacrustalina

Enviado desde Correo para Windows

De: @.> Enviado: martes, 6 de septiembre de 2022 21:34 Para: @.> CC: @.>; @.> Asunto: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1)

i need Some documentation like a getting started guide, please coz is my first time with ROS and the board

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lunanueva commented 1 year ago

In the repository ros_arduino-mega there is a little manual. I have not any other manual.


De: @.> Enviado: miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2022 1:54 Para: @.> CC: @.>; @.> Asunto: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1)

I need a manual, do you have one?

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De: @.> Enviado: martes, 6 de septiembre de 2022 05:08 p. m. Para: @.> CC: @.>; @.> Asunto: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1)


Please download STM32ft103rct6 from Gitbun MoebiusTech (MoebiusTech) · GitHub

This pack contains BSP files that is the firmware to download to STM32 Board Moebius.

The software for STM32 board was developed usign RT THread With Keil Uvision. It is compicated if you are expert,

In the raspberry you have to install Ros Moebius software :

I hope this informqation was valid for you.

Regards Aguacrustalina

Enviado desde Correo para Windows

De: @.> Enviado: martes, 6 de septiembre de 2022 21:34 Para: @.> CC: @.>; @.> Asunto: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1)

i need Some documentation like a getting started guide, please coz is my first time with ROS and the board

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TeeThiti commented 1 year ago


my raspberry pi is ubuntu mate in link this

and run roslaunch mbsrobot bringup.launch get this [ WARN] [1663058008.100842890]: Still waiting for data on topics /imu/data_raw and /imu/mag... [ERROR] [1663058016.247058]: Unable to sync with device; possible link problem or link software version mismatch such as hydro rosserial_python with groovy Arduino

I just started about this What must I do?


lunanueva commented 1 year ago


I think that the stm32 board is not publishing the imu data. You would check if you use the I2C 2 port because the MPU6050 is connected it in the board

Enviado desde Correo para Windows

De: @.> Enviado: martes, 13 de septiembre de 2022 10:38 Para: @.> CC: @.>; @.> Asunto: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1)


my raspberry pi is ubuntu mate in link this

and run roslaunch mbsrobot bringup.launch get this [ WARN] [1663058008.100842890]: Still waiting for data on topics /imu/data_raw and /imu/mag... [ERROR] [1663058016.247058]: Unable to sync with device; possible link problem or link software version mismatch such as hydro rosserial_python with groovy Arduino

What must I do?


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TeeThiti commented 1 year ago

HI I think that the stm32 board is not publishing the imu data. You would check if you use the I2C 2 port because the MPU6050 is connected it in the board Enviado desde Correo para Windows De: @.> Enviado: martes, 13 de septiembre de 2022 10:38 Para: @.> CC: @.>; @.> Asunto: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1) Hi my raspberry pi is ubuntu mate in link this and run roslaunch mbsrobot bringup.launch get this [ WARN] [1663058008.100842890]: Still waiting for data on topics /imu/data_raw and /imu/mag... [ERROR] [1663058016.247058]: Unable to sync with device; possible link problem or link software version mismatch such as hydro rosserial_python with groovy Arduino What must I do? thanks — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub<#1 (comment)>, or unsubscribe You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

I just started about this you have manual to check i2c port


lunanueva commented 1 year ago

File config.h de la stm32 aplication must be:

/config imu bus //Set imu name "i2c1" or "i2c2"

define IMU_DEVICE_NAME "i2c2" <----

Enviado desde Correo para Windows

De: @.> Enviado: martes, 13 de septiembre de 2022 17:30 Para: @.> CC: @.>; @.> Asunto: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1)

HI I think that the stm32 board is not publishing the imu data. You would check if you use the I2C 2 port because the MPU6050 is connected it in the board Enviado desde Correo para Windows De: @.> Enviado: martes, 13 de septiembre de 2022 10:38 Para: @.> CC: @.>; @.> Asunto: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1 Hi my raspberry pi is ubuntu mate in link this and run roslaunch mbsrobot bringup.launch get this [ WARN] [1663058008.100842890]: Still waiting for data on topics /imu/data_raw and /imu/mag... [ERROR] [1663058016.247058]: Unable to sync with device; possible link problem or link software version mismatch such as hydro rosserial_python with groovy Arduino What must I do? thanks — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub<#1 (comment)>, or unsubscribe You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

I just started about this you have manual to check i2c port


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TeeThiti commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much I leaning about how to use st link v2 for change to i2c2 with STM32CubeIDE I think it was right?

lunanueva commented 1 year ago

The st link is for download the program to the board. You should change i2c2 using Keil uVision program and then rebuild the project and download to the board

Enviado desde Correo para Windows

De: @.> Enviado: viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2022 8:40 Para: @.> CC: @.>; @.> Asunto: Re: [MoebiusTech/Stm32f103rct6] Some documentation like a getting started guide would be nice (#1)

Thank you very much I leaning about how to use st link v2 for change to i2c2 with STM32CubeIDE I think it was right?

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TeeThiti commented 1 year ago

Thanks!!! @lunanueva and sorry for missing.

I do that, it can use. but I roslaunch bring.up in raspi and rosrun tele_keyboard I can't control this board.(wheel move but I press k it not stop.)

lunanueva commented 1 year ago

TeeThiti. I think that the moebius board has not been loaded with the correct progam.

TeeThiti commented 1 year ago

I use juvinski .hex file to upload to moebius board. I got this problem.

Have I missed something?

thank you lunanueva and everyone. I'm new for this.